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Search results for query: *

  1. webIntern

    aspSmartUpload: How Do I Check If File is Valid Before Upload??

    I have a script to upload. I only need to either a) check file size BEFORE actually saving the files to the server or b) check if the file actually exists on the client side prior to upload. I don't need a new upload script. I am now able to uploading, I'd just like to check the validity...
  2. webIntern

    aspSmartUpload: How Do I Check If File is Valid Before Upload??

    I can't seem to find it on the site. Can you tell me where the script is? Thanks sooo much.
  3. webIntern

    aspSmartUpload: How Do I Check If File is Valid Before Upload??

    Hi all, I have a form that allows users to upload files to the server. How do I check, either on the client side before upload OR server side after upload, if the file is valid? For example, say a user selects file to upload but manually changes the file name in the input box to one that...
  4. webIntern

    Server.CreateObject Error, Invalid Class String

    Thanks, that's exactly what I was trying to do. I didn't realize you can do it after opening the recordset, without instantiating an ADODB.Field object. My code now works with your example. That's why I'm an intern!
  5. webIntern

    Server.CreateObject Error, Invalid Class String

    Hi all, I'm using ASP and ADO to connect to a SQL Server database. I get an error of "Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid class string" on the line: Set rsField = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.field") I've installed MDAC 2.8. Can anyone help me? Thanks
  6. webIntern

    Unknown Database Error

    I have to use a DSN. But thanks for the suggestion anyway. ??
  7. webIntern

    DSN problem

    can you tell me what you mean by "override" the database?
  8. webIntern

    Unknown Database Error

    Hi, I'm using a DSN connection to a remote mySQL database in an ASP page. I know for sure the database exists but for some reason I get the following error: Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Unknown database 'ubb' /ccweb/login.asp...
  9. webIntern

    DSN problem

    Hi, I'm using a DSN connection to a remote database in an ASP page. I know for sure the database exists but for some reason I get the following error: Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Unknown database 'ubb' /ccweb/login.asp, line 53...
  10. webIntern

    DCOM, IIS 5.0

    I already posted this in the Win 2000 forum, but I thought I'd try here as well... I can't seem to run ASP scripts. When I try, I get an http 500 internal server error. Then I look at the event viewer and I see the following: DCOM got error "Overlapped I/O operation is in progress...
  11. webIntern

    DCOM error, Active Directory

    I can't seem to run ASP scripts. When I try, I get an http 500 internal server error. Then I look at event viewer and I get the following: DCOM got error "Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. " and was unable to logon psd-domain\psdserver in order to run the server...
  12. webIntern

    URGENT: String --> Calendar

    idarke: Could I convert the Date instance directly to an instance of Calendar as opposed to GregorianCalendar?
  13. webIntern

    URGENT: String --> Calendar

    Thank you so much for the help! One question however...Can you tell me why it is necessary to take out the "T"? Does it hold any special significance in the timestamp? I'm concerned because that string is sent via SOAP and it's "original form" is that of type of...
  14. webIntern

    URGENT: String --> Calendar

    Is there *any* possible way to convert this string: 2003-12-11T14:29:56.2729751-05:00 to a Calendar object??? I'm getting the string from a SOAP response. The element is "Expires" and the string above is the value. I need to take that string and save it as a type java.util.Calendar...
  15. webIntern

    Axis Client - Trying to write response handler

    Hi all I have an java client app that accesses .NET web services. I need to write a handler that captures the SOAP response from the service. I'm confused about what classes/interfaces to use?? I'm basically just confused about where to start... Please help me somebody... Carol
  16. webIntern

    Sessions...in java app, not jsp or servlets

    Ok, now my question is how to tell if the user has been inactive/active over a certain amount of time?
  17. webIntern

    Sessions...in java app, not jsp or servlets

    Sedj: Thanks for your input. The ticket is being saved as a "ticket" object and set in the soap header. My only problem now is figuring out how to "renew" the ticket every ten minutes...
  18. webIntern

    Sessions...in java app, not jsp or servlets

    Does anyone know of a way to keep a property accessible throughout a user session in a Java app? I'm writing a Java native client app to access remote .NET services (web services). The services issues a session ticket upon login to implement security...this ticket needs to be accessible to all...
  19. webIntern

    Win2k Task Scheduler..."Run as" problem???

    Ok, this is pretty complicated: We just switched over to active directory...and ever since then our scheduled tasks aren't able to run properly and on time without some tweaking because of user accounts issues. I have one particular task that's scheduled to run every 30 minutes every day. It...
  20. webIntern

    Set size of JList withOUT JScrollpane

    Can someone tell me how I can set the size and location of a JList without JScrollpane on a Contentpane w/BorderLayout? I've tried setBounds, setMaximumSize, setPreferredSize, setMinimumSize...but the lists don't appear to be the size I specify.

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