The single/double quotes have me confused. The macro way brings us the popup regardless if the count is greater than 0 but when the VIN#'s match, it does filter to just that VIN # and displays the matching detail records. Your SQL statement opens the popup only if there is a match, but it...
Yes, it's almost there! It doesn't pop up if there is no match at all but since I've removed my macro, my WHERE statement is gone and my popup isn't being filtered by the WHERE statement to show just the one(s) that match. It brings up all 330 records. Can you tell me where to put...
I have created a popup form (Access 2000) and it pops up if the text entered on the main form matches the Vehicle Vin # (text) in underlying table before the table is saved. (I don't want to prevent duplicates, just warn the data entry person that a duplicate exists and show details.) My...
Thanks to your help I'm getting closer. Now, the name on the previous record fills in combo box but form is dimmed as though I haven't selected a dealer. If I click on the combo box and select the same name again, it then activates the form, but I get an error 2105 Can't go to...
The answer is, I don't know how to put a function in an event. Here's what else I have in the OnCurrent event:
'If loan has no assigned Dealer, disable controls.
If IsNull(Dealer) Then
On Error Resume Next
LoanOrigDate.Enabled = False...
Using the Orders Sample DB - DAO, Access 2000 as an example, is it possible after completing an order - (that is selecting customer via combo box, required fields, order info and clicking on the * to get new record) to have
the new record display the just-completed order's customer? I have a...
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