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Search results for query: *

  1. jhembree

    Could not find MQCONN

    I don't know if this the right answer or not but it typically would fix a similar problem in VB. In the VB programs you use the appropriate MQCONN based on the MQTYPE setting for the project. Check out the MAKE tab in the VB project properties. You will need to match that more than likely in...
  2. jhembree

    Verify e-mail address before sending message

    I've also found a cgi example that does exactly what I want it to do, but I need to convert it to vb. It shows everything involving the process of verifying the address. http://www.glocksoft.com/aevcgi/aevcgi_demo.htm
  3. jhembree

    Verify e-mail address before sending message

    I've found an RFC for this and it has all of the commands and response codes but doesn't have a vb example. It's located at http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/821/index.htm .
  4. jhembree

    Verify e-mail address before sending message

    I created a vb program that would send out bulk e-mails. Now they want to verify that the e-mail address is good or report back to the user that it's bad. I used CDONTS & SMTP to send the messages. I can find plenty of programs that will validate e-mail messages but I need to get some code or...
  5. jhembree

    ASP to JSP

    That was perfect. Thanks.
  6. jhembree

    ASP to JSP

    I've been trying for(int cntr=65 ; cntr<91 ; cntr++) { String AlphaTag=String.valueOf(cntr); but it returns the value of cntr - a number. ???
  7. jhembree

    ASP to JSP

    I was using chr(65) to display an &quot;A&quot; on my web page. What is the JSP equivalent? I want to generate an A - Z list using a For/Next loop. TIA.
  8. jhembree

    which ones are better session variables or querystrings?

    Check out these articles: A Scalable Alternative to Session Variables http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/041600-2.shtml Pros and Cons of Session Variables http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/092098-2.shtml
  9. jhembree

    How many Session variables is too many?

    Hope this helps &quot;Session Overview & Myths by Charles Carroll&quot; http://www.learnasp.com/learn/sessionoverview.asp
  10. jhembree

    Open a new window

    I don't know if you need both the onclick and the href, but this is what we have used in the past. <a target=&quot;new-window&quot; onClick=&quot;open('viewAssignment.asp?hid=<%=HC(&quot;h_id&quot;)%>', 'Dialog','width=300,height=300,resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes');return false;&quot...
  11. jhembree

    how do you embed comments in ASP?

    The apostrophe: ' Get form variable
  12. jhembree

    Passing values from one page to next

    Page with records: <tr><td> <a href=&quot;detailpage.asp?color=<%=RS('color')%>&quot;>Red</a> </td></tr> <tr><td> <a href=&quot;detailpage.asp?color==<%=RS('color')%>&quot;>Yellow</a> </td></tr> <tr><td> <a href=&quot;detailpage.asp?color==<%=RS('color')%>&quot;>Blue</a> </td></tr>...
  13. jhembree


    using this function: <script language=&quot;VBScript&quot; runat=&quot;Server&quot;> FUNCTION CheckString (s, endchar) pos = InStr(s, &quot;'&quot;) While pos > 0 s = Mid(s, 1, pos) & &quot;'&quot; & Mid(s, pos + 1) pos = InStr(pos + 2, s, &quot;'&quot;) Wend CheckString=&quot;'&quot...
  14. jhembree

    how do you embed comments in ASP?

    <% ' Get form variable temp=request(&quot;combo1&quot;) %>
  15. jhembree

    Two combo box search on one table!

    I found this for you out on the internet, it has several combo examples, this should take care of you. http://www.aspfree.com/authors/adrian/Default.asp
  16. jhembree

    Two combo box search on one table!

    I don't understand your question. Can you populate combo1 with the field chapters? When the user selects the chapter, does combo2 get filled, while maintaining the value in combo1? If both combo1 and combo2 are populated correctly and both combos contain the properly selected values, then you...
  17. jhembree

    Two combo box search on one table!

    temp1=request(&quot;combo1&quot;) temp2=request(&quot;combo2&quot;) strsql=&quot;select * from phone where fname='&quot; & temp1 & &quot;'&quot; strsql=strsql & &quot; and &quot; strsql=strsql & &quot;lname='&quot; & temp2 &&quot;'&quot; conn.execute(strsql) Maybe I don't understand your...
  18. jhembree

    selecting records

    Either create a form around each record and make the action parameter call your new page with the value from the record, or wrap the complete table with a single form, make each button call a function that modifys a hidden value and then calls the form.submit(), the action will then read the...

Part and Inventory Search
