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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Schof
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  1. Schof

    FSO Files Collection Size Limitation?!?

    Looks like it is a display issue in the watch window. The code below will demonstrate that this limitation actually does not exist in the collection itself: Function FSO() Dim objFSO As New FileSystemObject Dim objFolder As Folder Dim objFiles As Files Dim objFile As File...
  2. Schof

    FSO Files Collection Size Limitation?!?

    I seemed to have run up against a 256 file limitation in the FileSystemObject Files collection?!? Can anyone confirm this or point to a workaround that does not entail piping the output to a file and iterating through that? Dim objFSO As New FileSystemObject Dim objFolder As Folder...
  3. Schof

    ODBC API Function -- SQLGetInfo

    Put the code below in a procedure or function. Dim strSQLInfo as String Dim strConnStrIn as String Dim strConnStrOut as String strSQLInfo = GetSQLInfo(SQL_DBMS_NAME, strConnStrIn, strConnStrOut) Either strSQLInfo will be Empty (if the referenced function was unable to get the information)...
  4. Schof

    ODBC API Function -- SQLGetInfo

    Anyone with some sample code on this function? I have looked everywhere and cannot find anything that is MS-Access specific. Background I have an application where I want the user to be prompted to select an ODBC Data Source. I would like to then call this function to get some information...
  5. Schof

    Treeview with right-click menu?

    Given that you are using axTreeview, the event procedure you may want to call is axTreeview_NodeClick. If you do not want anything happening when the user clicks on the node then you can remove this bit of code. Otherwise you will need to create that procedure (if it does not already exist) and...
  6. Schof

    How To Check If A Form Is Loaded?

    The function below takes the name of a form as an input parameter and returns True/False if the form is loaded. There is a second optional parameter that allows you to specify (by setting value to True that you want to know whether there is another form loaded other than the one specified in...
  7. Schof

    Make Popup Form on Top of All Other Windows

    Refer to Pop Up form property in help.
  8. Schof

    No Current Record - What does this mean?

    What about deleting the records using something like this? docmd.setwarnings false docmd.runsql "DELETE * FROM <childTable> " & _ "WHERE <expenseIDcol> = " & me.expenseID docmd.runsql "DELETE * FROM <parentTable> " & _ "WHERE <expenseIDcol> = " & me.<expenseIDctl>...
  9. Schof

    Treeview with right-click menu?

    First off, create custom commandbars (I.e. shortcut menus) that you want to use for your treeview. Then here is a snippet of code that should get you on your way. Private Sub treeView_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) On Error GoTo...
  10. Schof

    Edit Combo Box Values and Save Changes

    I don't think you can do it because you have two columns in your combobox. Are both [ICL 1] and ItemID2 required fields in the [tblICL 1] table? If not, you might be able to change the combobox to make the required field displayed first and make sure you change the comboboxes bound column...
  11. Schof

    Question on combo boxes...

    Use the comboboxes _NotInList event to capture the new entry, add a new record in the source, and finally cancel the reponse to the user that the item is not in the comboboxes list (because it now should be!).
  12. Schof

    Treeview with right-click menu?

    Yes it is possible. You need to search this (and other) forums for examples.
  13. Schof

    No Current Record - What does this mean?

    How about posting your Cancel button's _OnClick event code?
  14. Schof

    Performing Action on multiple Records that are selected in a form

    Refer to How to Enumerate Selected Form Records.
  15. Schof

    Remebering Form Entries from previous runs

    Unfortunately I don't have any sample code to give you but this verbal explanation might point you in the right direction. First off, the only way that I know of to do what you want is to use a combobox, not a textbox. Essentially, as the user finishes typing in the text you want to add it to...
  16. Schof

    Set AppIcon Using CommandBar Control Icon

    I think the subject is pretty self explanatory but in case it isn't... I created a commandbar that has a control whose icon I would like to use as my application's icon (ie. top left hand corner). Is it possible to somehow reference that icon instead of referencing a file in my file system? The...
  17. Schof

    Duplicate / Copy / Clone Recordset (A2K)

    But this seems to work... Me.Recordset.OpenRecordset
  18. Schof

    list box question

    So the listbox on the main form is the one causing the problems, right? Is the listbox RowSource Type a Table/Query or Value List? If it is a Table/Query, have you run that query and made sure the results are what you want displayed in the listbox? If it is a Value List, make sure each value is...
  19. Schof

    Duplicate / Copy / Clone Recordset (A2K)

    So I found out [sad]. Still looking...
  20. Schof

    Duplicate / Copy / Clone Recordset (A2K)

    ...and there is: Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone So close and yet, so far.

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