I am trying to print a StringGrid control in Delphi 5 without much luck. Using
gives me a postage stamp sized printout on the paper. Selecting Fit To Page in a PrintDialog has no effect.
Trying StringGrid1.PaintTo(ABitMap.Handle,0,0)...
I want to check the data in a record appearing in an editable DBGrid to make sure all the data is valid before the Table scrolls to a new record. Writing the data checking code in the Table's BeforeScroll event seems like the logical place to perform this function, but is there a way to abort...
I am trying to allow a user to insert a new data row at the bottem if a DBGrid. Any way I have tried to insert a new record places it just above the selected record in the grid so it will never insert at the bottem. Anyone know how to place a new data row at the bottem of a DBGrid using Delphi 5?
I am using Delphi with the Pervasive PDAC to access a Btrieve database (originally a Btrieve 6 database with updated ddf files for Pervasive 7) with SQL 2000i. Boolean data files show up as string fields of length 1 in Delphi which are hard to work with in data aware controls. For example...
Can you use a DBcheckbox with a datafield other than a string or Boolean. I am accessing a Pervasive SQL2000i database from Delphi 5 and can't seem to set the ValueChecked or ValueUnchecked parameters for data fields that are either unprintable characters or numbers. I have tried setting...
I am running Lytec Medical 2000 and they will sell me a new version full of bells and whistles that I don't need that runs on Betrieve 7 for 10 times what I paid for my current version which I am not about to do. That's why I am trying to get around the version check.
Thank you for the tip. It worked fine as far as getting the application to attempt to use Btrieve 7.9. Unfortunately the application does a version check and refuses to run when it finds version 7.9. Is there any way to trick it into thinking version 6.15 is in place and get it to...
I have a commercial app that runs on Btrieve 6.15. I have installed Pervasive SQL 2000i on my network and am trying to get the app to use Btrieve 7. The app keeps the Btrieve 6 exe file and its 2 dll files in its own directory so any changes to the system directories on 2000i installation had...
I have a commercial database application that runs on a peer-to-peer network using the Btrieve 6.15 engine. I am upgrading my network to client-server. Can I install a Pervasive.SQL client-server database engine on my new network and run my old application? Will I have a performance...
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