if you know explicitly what variables you want to send you could make the URL bit an Expression (as opposed to just a string) which would be something like:
(_framesloaded/_totalframes)*100 will give you a percentage.
you could make a MC of a loading bar (100 frames) and use a Tell Target function to tell that MC to go to whatever percentage was loaded.
most of those features you were talking about are still there, just in a different place...once you start using it properly and get used to all the new stuff (the new actionscripting's much better i think..much more flexible) it's a really good upgrade, you just need to give it a chance....yeh...
make two movie clips, one of just a vertical line, and one of just a horizontal line. drag these onto the stage and call them 'vertline' and 'horizline'.
make a new layer in the main scene and make two keyframes next to each other (e.g. frame 1 and frame 2). open the actionscript window for...
you know how you can put in dynamic text in flash by loading variables? is there any way of doing this with images? if you can load the image's URL into a variable, say...
what about if there was a 'where' clause?<br>i.e. same question but with this query, say:<br><br>select * from table where name = "john" limit 5
consider this query:<br><br>select * from table limit 10<br><br>is there any way of finding out how many rows it would have returned if i hadn't put the limit there? or would i have to do another query without the limit to find out?
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