Thanks. I love the 'column' function and will definately implement that. Tried the ReCalc as well, but I still have the same problem.
I did some more digging...the form has the 'AllowAdditions' property set to False by design. If I set it to 'True', then everything works as it should. For...
I have a form bound to record source "qryVehicleInventory"
The form header has a listbox called "lstVehCfg". That listbox is bound to field "VehConfigID".
When you select an item in the list, I use the AfterUpdate event to filter the main form records in "qryVehicleInventory" by "VehConfigID"...
Am trying to execute an Access Macro using a voice command. I don't want File, or Save, I want a custom voice command to run a specific macro.
I found an excellent article at
that has me just about there. My problem is where to place the...
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