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Search results for query: *

  1. CmPaiva

    TreeView Width in tvwList mode

    Hi, this I know, but it is valid only when ListView is in REPORT mode (=lvwReport). What i need to setup, is the width of intrinsic columns in the LIST (=lvwList) Mode.In this mode, control populates with items in a matrix of items in several columns. I realy don't know if this is possible, or...
  2. CmPaiva

    TreeView Width in tvwList mode

    PankaAjr, Thanks for your wise point.Sure it is a ListView, and I mistakly name the control in this forum. Anyway, the point is how to setup, the listview in List Mode, the width of columns. In Listbox's, we setup the number of columns to be shown in the client area, but i can´t find such a...
  3. CmPaiva

    TreeView Width in tvwList mode

    Hi Everybody. Does anyone knows how to set the item width, when the TreeView is in List mode? I would like to have a smaller width then the default, in order to show all items without the scrollbar,but i can't find a way of doing it. Any API??? Thanks in Advance, Carlos Paiva
  4. CmPaiva

    INSERT INTO ... SELECT problems

    No, Table has another column that is identity (Id). this column (MovId) is an incremental number for each MovType(another column in table).Thus I need to do the insert and create an increment. This could be done with a cursor, and steping throught the selection. What i'm trying to do is...
  5. CmPaiva

    INSERT INTO ... SELECT problems

    Hi, Tkx in advance for your help. I need to do a INSERT INTO ... SELECT , but one of the destination field must be a sequencial nr, based in MAX(Field)+1 for a WHERE TypeFld=<cond> over the destination table. The question is How do I instruct SQL to the sequencial number? I did a function...
  6. CmPaiva

    Formating Number's

    Thanks, mimi2, It help. I did my own FormatNr Function to do the job. Carlos
  7. CmPaiva

    Formating Number's

    Hi all, Is there a way of formating real numbers to have leading zeros, as in VB Format function? ie: Format(123.456,&quot;000000.00&quot;) => &quot;000123.46&quot; Thanks in Advance for your time, Carlos
  8. CmPaiva

    need help about MSComm.Input

    Hi, First of All, you must set your comm control to the same BaudRate, Start/Stop bits and HandShake protocol used by your mobile phone! You should also be aware of comunication timings (SMS protocol is very complex). I've Develope an GPS/GSM Application that uses hi speed serial comunication...
  9. CmPaiva

    Problem using XP Style Icons

    Hi, Does anyone know of a ImageList like control, in which we can load XP Style Icons?. I could'nt manage to insert those in the ImageList. Thanks in Advance, Carlos Paiva
  10. CmPaiva

    hi , i have a basic doubt regard

    Hi, You're Right. It's fired whenever the form is resized, and this happens for the first time, just after the Load event. Good point. Carlos
  11. CmPaiva

    hi , i have a basic doubt regard

    Hi, if you are asking about events order, on an form, they are in this order: _Initialize _Load _Activate (each time form get focus) ... (Other events order depends on user / system ) On Unload of a form, they are: _QueryUnload _Unload _Terminate I hope this helps you, Carlos
  12. CmPaiva

    Joining variables to point to an object...??

    Hi, Just another way, not only for sizes, but for all column setings. Just copy The following into a .Bas module: Just a few notes: - A column size of 0, makes column acts as a spring. - To set a 0 column, make it too small, but not 0 (ie. 0.1) - The 2nd parameter just signals which...
  13. CmPaiva

    Calling a Private Sub from another fmr

    Hi MicheleDub You can declare as Friend (Just as in C++) I'm pasting a copy of MSDN documentation on this declaration: Friend Modifies the definition of aprocedure in a form module orclass module to make the procedure callable from modules that are outside theclass, but part of...
  14. CmPaiva

    #6/5/2003# date thing question

    I'm not realy understanding the problem. You want to loop throught days, months or Years? Is this gonna be used in sql? (#..your date..# pound signs seems to say so) Anyway, you could always use the Format() function to do the job as: format(...your date...,&quot;\#mm-dd-yyyy\#&quot;)...
  15. CmPaiva

    #6/5/2003# date thing question

    Hi, again. Having a start date of xx/yy/zzzz, by definition of the date type, adding a number X to a date, gives a date with on offset of X days. So you only need to do as: For i = 1 To lastDayOfTheMonth choice = Now() + i 'other code goes here... Next i I hope this helps, Carlos
  16. CmPaiva

    #6/5/2003# date thing question

    Hi, What do you want to concatenate? It should be as strings as : #6/ & myVariable & 5/2003# should be: &quot;#6/&quot; & myVariable & &quot;5/2003#&quot; but what does myVariable contains? sinte it will be appended to the existing date, it will give a non-sence string. What do you want...
  17. CmPaiva

    Access Report - Passing parameters

    Hi, CClint, I think that it is the right way to put this forum to work! Thanks for your comment, Carlos Paiva
  18. CmPaiva

    Access Report - Passing parameters

    Hi, Again! I manage to find the answer. I do not know if is the best way, but I do as: - Open the report in design mode - Change Labels captions as desired - Then open report again for print. Code is as follows: With mAccessApp .OpenCurrentDatabase App.Path +...
  19. CmPaiva

    Access Report - Passing parameters

    Hi, Does anybody knows how to pass a parameter to an Access Report, not for filtering (DoCmd parameters do this), but just to be shown in the report (Say StationId: ...), and that is not related with report data. In Crystal reports, i'd used to pass this by using Formulas, but I can't find a...
  20. CmPaiva

    'Divide by Zero' within SQL

    Thanks, but i manage to find the soluction, and i post it here: SELECT DRRUB, '' AS [Desc], Sum(DRVAL) AS Valor, Sum(DRQNTD) AS Qty, IIf(Sum(DRQNTD)=0,0,Sum(DRVAL)/Sum(DRQNTD)) AS UnitPrice INTO tblResult FROM DRTIT GROUP BY DRRUB, '', DRCOD HAVING DRCOD='00764394'; The try that i made before...

Part and Inventory Search
