I have a submission page that asks users to choose a username and password. On the password I have it so they can enter it twice so I'm sure that's what they want. It's also encrypted so it only shows **** when they they enter it. However, how do I make it tell them "You're passwords...
Netscape sucks. I can never get anything to look right on it. If you don't have many pages, I would just use a redirect script and create some basic page that netscape can handle and have the script redirect netscape junkies to the other page. Here's an excellent page with some redirector...
Oops. Here's the new link so you'll know what I mean. The first thread will show you the first way I did it, which didn't work. This link (below) has a redirect script; so depending on your browser resolution, it will redirect you to 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768. http://realpolice.net/1024aMAIN.htm
Hi. I'm building a site for a law firm and have actually built two templates; one for 800 x 600 browsers and one for 1024 x 768. I'm going to add a redirector script so people will be automatically sent to the right page soon...
Anyway, the question. I want to make it so that if people...
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