I added the refresh method, but it still doesn't update the field. I have a feeling I am going to have to completely destroy the invoice form and do a subform. If I could just access that one field, update it, and be done with it I am sure I could get the coding to work for all of the...
Is there a way to change a value in another form/table from a different form? For instance, I have a form called customer invoices. When the user is finished entering a part number I want to open the inventory form and deduct the quantity of the part number from inventory based on the quantity...
Thanks to both of you! I have two groups of textboxes that I need to cycle through an "array". John, your idea worked great. It's too bad that it doesn't work quite like vb, but maybe I can use this anyway. Thanks for your help! On the next array I might try NVSbe's idea. They...
Does anyone know how to make a control array in vba? I have a series of 14 part numbers that I need to manipulate through a loop. I know how to make a control array in visual basic just by naming the textboxes the same name. It always produces a popup menu asking if you wish to create a...
I have a form frmInvoice. After entering all of the info in the form and printing it I need to move on to another blank form. When I go to the next form (with the little arrow for navigating) all of my previous info is still there. I would like to use a command button to go to the next...
I tried the "2002 - "0000 suggestion. All the form would display is "AutoNumber" (Did I do something wrong?). It didn't put a value in the field. I looked at thread 702-398859. That might actually be an answer to my problem, but I have no idea where the code goes. I know...
I tried it the first way you suggested. It worked great! I still have two problems, however. In order to rid the form of zeros I had to make the quantity textboxes and the unit cost textboxes unbound. Now that they are unbound (maybe it has nothing to do with that fact) I can't create a...
I am new to Access so please don't laugh, but I am having problems with a simple invoice form I created. I have it set up as a series of textboxes: Quantity, UnitCost, and TotalCost. Quantity is formatted as a general number, and the other two are formatted as currency. I have it set up...
I am having problems creating an invoice number the way my boss wants it. The first part of the invoice number should be the current year. The second part should increment by one. The way she wants it to look is: 2002 - 0100 I have no idea how to make it do this. By mistake I have...
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