We figured it out. Our remote print service was corrupted. We removed the remote print service, then re-added it. That allowed everyone to print to printers set up as local, but not Remote Printers. Then we deleted those printers and re-set them up, ran the Software Manager and everything is...
I copied the screen so you can see the printer command and the error I get. If I log in as ROOT or SU, it prints fine with no error.
omni~/drv2/usr/tmg $ lp -dMIS_LASER_PR Testing
UX:lp: ERROR: Can't establish contact with the LP print service.
TO FIX: Either the LP print...
We rebooted our SCO 5.06 system last night and now no one can print to ANY of the printers unless we log in as ROOT first. Most of our printers are on Intel Proprinter Print Servers, but some are on JetDirect. We have run the Software Manager and Integrity and FIXMOG programs, but still no...
Hello All, I really can use some help on this
one... I have a 6MB datafile backed up onto
four 1.5MB floppy disks under the old Windows
3.1 system using MS Backup. Now I need to
bring them back onto a Windows 95 system but
can't use MS Backup because the files are
named Cc40412a.001, .002, .003...
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