Here is information from Cisco's web site. This has been seen with 3Com NIC's as well as some others.
Under certain circumstances, interoperability issues between Cisco switches and various NICs may result in continuous or intermittent link up/down situations. These link up/down situations are...
The console port on the Nortel 450's are known to "fall asleep". Using a straight through cable and hitting the control y should fix it. Try using the console cable to a different device first to see if it works there. Otherwise a reboot of the switch should give you the same results.
You can do this by simulating Frame Relay encapsulation on the serial sub interfaces and using 802.1q on the Ethernet sub interface. The key is to have the remote side set for frame switching and to make sure that your using the correct bridge groups. Here are some of the important...
Try setting both sides to 10/Half. I could be that when you set it to 100/Full you just increase the problem with more bandwidth. Try to ping from one PC to the other using 1500 byte packets and see what kind of response you get locally. If the response turns out to be good then try the same...
I have confirmed that the NIC's and switch ports are set to 100/Full on both sides. I've noticed that there are numerous posting on NIC's disconnecting due to power managment or Jitter tolerance but I can't seem to find any options on the NIC's for either. Any ideas?
On the page you posted you have FCS errors (frame check sequence), runts (frames smaller than 64k) and alignment errors. These all indicate a physical issues which could be a bad cable, the routers Ethernet port, or a duplexing issue. The errors are all on the recv. side of the stats page so...
Using Cisco 6513 switches it appears that the Compaq 3134 NIC's that are attached seem to flap by disconnecting and then re-connecting to the bridge group. I've put the connections onto different switches and still seeing the same problems. There are no physical errors on the ports and don't...
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