i tried ccleaner.
smart defrag.
my charter cable company virus and spyware cleaner
and one spyware cleaner on my yahoo toolbar on the firefox browser.
i will try more tonight. i am not sure where its hiding. as it is not showing up in my add/remove programs. and when i type a key word. it is...
my roommate cliked on a flashing icon saying there was a virus and to remove it. click here. now i have something called Personal Anivirus on my windows xp.
windows says its malware. and i cant get rid of it. i have tried all my antispyware programs.
any suggestions?
and to does anyone know...
its faster now. when i dedicated another scratch drive. plus bumped up using more ram to 88%.
and dropped the history states to 10.
i also removed the ~ from the bigger tiles plug-in./
i was unable to download the free titanium program.
i wonder if adding even more ram would help. since...
Photoshop runs slow in large fies.
the machine does have 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM.
and it is a 1.25 GHZ PowerPC G4 with 1MB L3 cache.
ATI Radeon 9000 Pro graphics.
when i have a very large file 300mb or larger in photoshop. the machine is extremely slow. i spend more time watching my beach ball...
i have a photoshop file 640 x 480.
with several photos. i would like to make it so the user can click on the photo and a window opens up with another image.
i think i should flatten the file, bring it into image ready, slice it into desired sections where links will be,
and under slices i add...
i was able to get it sliced. and it saves it as html. when i drag into my browser. it works.
but how can i email it to people.
our website only lets me upload jpegs, etc.
unto my power link. unless there is a place to upload html. i am not sure...
only changed order of viewing when sending a message - no help (thanks though)
my Outlook doesn't recognize the server contacts that I have placed in subfolders underneath the "Contact folder
we just reinstalled xp due to virus. restored.
had to reinstall outlook 2000 email from disk.
problem: contacts (on exhange server) show up but not in send button box...
how can we fix this.
it lets me connect with the user name and password and the icon for the other mac appears on my desktop but when i try to open it. says server disconnect.
it lets me find it. and log in. and the world icon shows up but when i try to open it. says "server disconnect".
i can access the other mac from this machine but not this machine from the other mac.
i turned my file sharing "on". and i am still not able to access my files from my other mac. both are on the network. and i have always been able to do this until recently when i deleted some plists.
what else needs to be done???
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