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  1. bigkid123

    Perl Script Help

    Thanks TrojanWarBlade, That was it, I just didn't understand what you meant, I tried it and it did what I needed it to. Thanks so much for your help. Thanks Again
  2. bigkid123

    Perl Script Help

    Sorry TrojanWarBlade, This script actually does a little more that getting the host ip. The problem I am having is getting the script to grep or find a host in the /etc/hosts file and placing just the ip of that host to a file. One that file is created then my script uses it to change the ip...
  3. bigkid123

    Perl Script Help

    Hi, I am trying to create a sript that will search the /etc/hosts file on my unix server for a host entry and output just the ip of that host to a file. Here is the script that I have created. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w system ( "pg /etc/hosts|grep...
  4. bigkid123

    Grep and Print Script

    Hi, I need help creating a script that will list files within a directory (/opt/actman/plm30/rpt) containing csbinv*.asc and phrinv*.asc. It should display the Date of the file and then allow the user to print a selected file. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. bigkid123

    FTP Script Help

    Hi All, I have created an ftp script to pull a file to one of our Unix Servers from our Unix Hosts. When I run the script I receive several errors and not sure why it is not running correctly. Can someone look at the script and tell me what could be wrong. Thanks so much...
  6. bigkid123

    Perl Script Reading Password from File

    I am now able to get the password part to work but when I run the script it gives me an error when trying to ftp a file to the /tmp directory. Can anyone tell me what needs to be changed in order for it to run successfully. Thanks bigkid #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use Net::FTP; $store =...
  7. bigkid123

    Perl Script Reading Password from File

    Hello Everyone, First of all thanks for the quick responses. I am trying the suggestions now to see if I can get them to work. Also the orginal script there was a typo and not sure if that would make a difference in the suggestions given. Here is the script again with changes made. I took...
  8. bigkid123

    Perl Script Reading Password from File

    I am using a unix box that allows only a few people access. On this box I have several small scripts that I use to ftp files and to execute small commands at our hosts. I would like to know if there is a way to have the script pull the password from a text file so that when I change the...
  9. bigkid123

    Perl Script to launch "smit print" Screens

    I got it. just had to add two lines to my option system("clear"); print $menu; and it worked thanks for your help though for everything else.
  10. bigkid123

    Script to launch SMIT

    I got it. just had to add two lines to my option system("clear"); print $menu; and it worked thanks for your help though for everything else.
  11. bigkid123

    Perl Script to launch "smit print" Screens

    Hi jtombre, Thanks for the reply. I am able to get into the smit screens now using the tty when calling smit. Could you explain the part of the temination command that returns the user back to the menu? Thanks Daniel
  12. bigkid123

    Script to launch SMIT

    Thanks Micheal, That did help, the only problem that I have now is that when you select the option to exit it just sits there and I have to manually bread out of it. Could you tell me what I would need to add to where when you chose to exit that it would return you to the menu. Thanks Daniel
  13. bigkid123

    Perl Script to launch "smit print" Screens

    I need to write a script that would launch certain Support Consoles with SMIT for our Support Staff. Currently they have command line access but we are considering taking this option away from them. We would like to be able to launch smit from our current menu screen and allow them the ability...
  14. bigkid123

    Script to launch SMIT

    Here is the code of a script that I have created but when I try to access the options from the menu I receive this error "1800-003 No tty on stdout; SMIT needs a terminal for normal interactive use. Use the -f flag to redirect stdin or stdout." Not sure what I would need to...
  15. bigkid123

    Script to launch SMIT

    I need to write a script that would launch certain Support Consoles with SMIT for our Support Staff. Currently they have command line access but we are considering taking this option away from them. We would like to be able to launch smit from our current menu screen and allow them the ability...
  16. bigkid123

    Perl FTP Script

    Thanks So much for you help arn0ld, it worked like a charm!!! Much Thanks goes to you and your advice.
  17. bigkid123

    Perl FTP Script

    Hi arnOld, Thanks for the quick response. I can retrieve the file from the command line but I think since I am trying to have the file imput the hostname that I getting the file from is the problem. When I just ftp the file directly from a single location that works fine. Here is the output...
  18. bigkid123

    Perl FTP Script

    I am new to Perl Scripting and have a problem with this script. I have a script that I run to generate a log file which contains the Month/Day within the filename and also the hostname of about 300 Unix Servers that the script is ran on. I am trying to use Net::Ftp in a script to pull this...

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