I guess that's what I have been doing.. Using 'Text to Columns' to separate multiple players and multiple training types into separate cells.. I just want to see if there is a way of doing it without any extra intermediate steps..
I have a spreadsheet consisting of the columns:
Date,Name of Player,Training Type
The spreadsheet has been sorted by date but there is not one row per date. There could be no rows of data for one particular date, or there could be 20 rows of data for the same date. There is only one date in...
I bought a new PC that has Star Office installed. I wasn't bothered about this app as I have MS Office installed on other PC's and laptops in a small network. I therefore installed MS Office Professional 2003 on top.
However I can't get rid of Star Office as a file type. Even when I create a...
I have just bought a wireless print server and just tried installing the driver on my laptop, but the CD/DVD drive doesn't seem to keep on spinning and so when I look on My Computer, I can see the drive but when I double click to browse and find the executable file, nothing seems to happen...
I have two spreadsheets with useful information in both, some of which I need to merge together. They have been built with excel 2003.
Spreadsheet A is the one I want to use as my building base. I want to import specific fields of information from spreadsheet B. The common key to both...
It worked and I've now managed to install the correct driver and the display is OK again.
So apart from an issue over an old CD ROM that doesn't read CD's burnt on a modern burner then I guess I'm cooking on full gas.
Thankyou very much for your help.. I'll leave feedback in the...
Managed to create a two disk set using winzip but now I discover/remember that I don't have winzip on the target problem PC - and since winzip is 2.5Mb then I'm in a vicious circle.. Unless there is any zip like utilities that are less than 1.44Mb?
Well that's something..
The floppy is working fine..
I've tried winzip but it won't compress it to small enough.
So how do you go about creating a multi-disc set - do you do that from winzip or from another utility?
By the way thanks a lot for the advice - at 7pm there was a huge cloud and...
No I haven't got a spare (I'm 80 miles away from home). I daren't sabotage the good PC here either at this time of night as it's needed first thing in the morning by the normal user. Too much to ask the neighbours that I've only just met and unlike the USA we don't have circuit city open round...
This is nuts..!
I have tried both of the CD's I've burnt in someone elses PC next door. They read in fine..
Good computer is burning CD's that are readable by other PC CD drives.
Problem computer is capable of reading from pre-recorded/professionally recorded CD's i.e. Win98SE, Epson...
Have tried it again but still the same problem. The CD ROM on the problem PC just won't read a CD I've burnt on the other PC. It will however read prerecorded CD's such as the Epson installation CD for a printer and other games and applications.
The only thing I can think now is that the CD RW...
After burning the drawer opened as it usually does. I removed the CD before closing the CD burning application (Prassi PrimoDVD). I'll try burning another one and close the drawer after it pops open before closing the application down. cheers..
Last week travelled 2 hours to do a favour for someone and have returned a second time today to continue with the problem!! I reformated and loaded windows 98SE onto an old PC that had previously running win95. It probably wasn't a text book install ;-) as I had a win98 full version (i.e. for a...
Thanks for the tip.. Hopefully if it is the controller, I might be able to claim for a new one as I bought a surge protected power distribution strip which the PC was plugged into. It is supposed to give automatic insurance for any damage caused by spikes etc - just a case of trying to prove a...
Last night following a power cut I experienced a problem with my PC at home (with Windows 98 OS).
On restarting the computer, it prompted me as usual for my windows password but when entering it I noticed that only a few of the key presses were detected and produced a */asterix in the password...
I am trying to find a formula that will look at the contents of a cell (which will contain free text comments), in order to isolate any instance of a 1+ digit number and to return that number value whether it be 1 digit in length, 5 digits long or whatever. If the comments contain two separate...
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