Here is the problem:
I alter some data in a table
Then I print a report from a record of that table
And then when I want to alter some data of an other record of that table I get the message: table in use.
How can I unlock the table?
Use didn't work.
Hi I converted a character element of a table to date.
Now I want a list of it and I use:
list name for hiredate = "01.03.2003"
but I get the following error:
operator/operand type mismatch
What is the correct way to use list in this case?
Hi, is it possible to set the rowsourcetype of a combobox to value (1) and after that give it the following Rowsource:
€ 359,95
€ 400,56
€ 550,78
the problem is that foxpro makes of this:
€ 359
€ 400
€ 550
Is it possible to go around the comma delimiter?
do form locate.scx
SELECT myTable
SET ORDER TO TAG name && Your index
IF SEEK(cValue)
Messagebox("Value found")
Messagebox("Value not found!!")
If I try this,
de main form doesn't wait for the CValue --> it gives an error because I hadn't the time to fill it in.
I have created a find form.
but I have a few questions:
1) How can I give the table that the find form has to use to the find form (I mean how can I tell the find form to use the table that the main form uses)
2) What is the best way to lookup the record number (lookup?) of the record I seek...
everything works now,
but the only thing I can't get right is the find button.
Can anyone give me a clue what's the best way to make a find button, what's the easiest code?
I want to set a default value in a field of a table.
This field should contain the first day of the month we're in at the moment.
eg: today it's 15/01/2003 so in the field should come 01/01/2003. (I use dd/mm/yyyy)
It's probably very simple but I can't find it.
Tnx guy's
when I do:
I get this error: function requires row or table buffering
How can I make Use of rowbuffering?
I think it's important for the reverse option.
ok thanks I'll do that.
1 additional question.
All the textboxes are write protected (read only) on the form (I can't put anything in it).
Which is the command to give acces to everything??
Last question ;)
** Add a record
** Here it depends on your form and your methods..
the only thing I know to add a record is append, but that's not the way to do this I think.
The only thing it has to do is add a record and display it in the form (all fields are empty or have default...
if you make a form with the wizard you get a standard button set.
The problem is that you can't see any code in it.
Now if I want to make the same button set with my own code, what is the code then for the buttons:
next record
prev record
find ?
The form is...
Is it possible to use a combobox with a control source e.g. u218sub8.worktime and give the user only 2 possibilities to choose from e.g. partime and fulltime
So the combo box is based on an element from a table, but In that element of the table are only 2 possibilities allowed. I want to...
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