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Search results for query: *

  1. davman2002

    Changing Form size in Code

    I want to know if anyone can show me how to change the size of the form in code. For example I have a form that I want to have the minimize and Maximize icons in. however I only want the Maximize button to allow the user to maximize the form to a specified size (not the full window). Thanks...
  2. davman2002

    Format double

    is there a way to format a double? for example Can I format 95.8586321465 as 98.96
  3. davman2002

    Getting last day of the current month

    Hi all I am really new to SQL, I normally use VB and C++. I need to know how to find out the starting date of the current month and the ending date of the current month. I noticed that there is a DATEADD function however I did not find any usefull information regarding how to use it. Any help...
  4. davman2002


    Thanks for all the help, I finally got it to work using if (Key == 'j' || Key == 'J'); butthead MoveShip is a function that I created to move the pic around the screen.
  5. davman2002


    I tried to use if (Key == 'j') picShip->Left = picShip->Left + 5; But I get the same message as before Cannot convert string type to a double. really doesn't make any sense to me because if I use Key == 112 (Whcich I believe is the Ansi Equivalent it doesn't work either
  6. davman2002

    Make Program Active even if user is using another program

    butthead, I have seen your clock program and I like. I am interested in your code and would appreciate if you could send it to me. My email Address is Dharris57@houston.rr.com.
  7. davman2002

    Make Program Active even if user is using another program

    butthead, I considered a snooze button and decided that I would wait and see if anyone would really use it. I however have included a few revisions since my previous posts. I have added a tray icon, which seemed to help with the Application->Restore(); and a few other user enchancements.
  8. davman2002


    I am trying to capture the Key that was pressed by the user. However I keep getting a mesage saying that it cannot convert a string type to a double. Here is my code. Any help is appreciated. void __fastcall TfrmMain::MoveShip(TObject *Sender, char &Key) { if (Key ==...
  9. davman2002

    Assign a caption to a label through a variable

    I got my answer here is what I did void __fastcall TfrmMain::ShowPosition(int VPos, int HPos,int lblNum) { TLabel *Labels[10]; Labels[0] = lblLabel1; Labels[1] = lblLabel2; Labels[2] = lblLabel3; Labels[3] = lblLabel4; Labels[4] = lblLabel5; Labels[5] = lblLabel6; Labels[6] = lblLabel7...
  10. davman2002

    Assign a caption to a label through a variable

    What I am trying to do is -- instead of writing Label1->Caption = "UP"; Label2->Caption = "UP"; Label3->Caption = "UP"; Label4->Caption = "UP"; Label5->Caption = "UP"; Label6->Caption = "UP"; Label7->Caption = "UP&quot...
  11. davman2002

    Assign a caption to a label through a variable

    I need to know if it is possible to assign a value to a label using a variable. For example I would like to be able to create a function that will except an int and if that integer is 1 then the caption of Label1 can be assigned. here is my code Thanks void __fastcall...
  12. davman2002

    DateTime Difference

    Palbano Must have been late, That makes sense now. Thanks.
  13. davman2002

    DateTime Difference

    I am trying to calculate the value of time remaining time between three variables. For example: If I have 32 hours and 30 minutes and that time was calculated at 12:00 PM and I want to know how much time it would take before I reach 40 hours. How do I do a date difference between 40 hours and...
  14. davman2002

    Calculate Time

    I am trying to calculate the value of time remaining time between three variables. For example: If I have 32 hours and 30 minutes and that time was calculated at 12:00 PM and I want to know how much time it would take before I reach 40 hours. My problem is the I am not sure about the datetime...
  15. davman2002

    ListBox and AnsiString

    I have found out how to do it here is the code for those who may have the same question { int Pos = lstNames->ItemIndex; AnsiString Name = lstNames->Items->operator [](Pos); int Comma = Name.Pos(","); lblFName->Caption = Name.SubString(Comma+1,50); lblLName->Caption =...
  16. davman2002

    ListBox and AnsiString

    I have an extensive understanding of Visual Basic and a basic knowledge of C++. I know that this can be done in C++ however, I am having a major problem trying to understand the AnsiString process. (It is so much easier in VB) My problem is that I need to get a value that is stored in a...
  17. davman2002

    Date Fifference

    Does Borland have a Date Difference function? If Yes can you provide an example?
  18. davman2002

    Make Program Active even if user is using another program

    I have tried to do what you have suggested but still no luck here is my code. I would appreciate any help you can give #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop #include <mmsystem.h> #include &quot;L4.h&quot; #include <L4F2.h> //---------------------------------------------------------- #pragma...
  19. davman2002

    Convert a text file to Excel through VB

    I have a program that creates a text file. I would like to know if anyone can help me with converting the contents of that file to excel. Or is there a way to automactically convert it to excel instead of a text file. Here is my code Private Sub mnuConvert_Click() dlgMain.Filter =...
  20. davman2002

    Make Program Active even if user is using another program

    I want to know if there is a way to at a certain point of the program to make it the active program that appears on the screen even if the user is currently using another program.

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