I have Windows XP Home Edition as my operating system; it runs my TURBO C++ very good. I write math programs for children and give them away to whomever wants them. I also have the TrueBasic Silver edition programming language that I also write with. In TrueBasic I am able to write an...
Thanks for the answers. I did not know where to post
questions that related to C/C++. Would appreciate giving
me info as to where to post. Thanks again, Tony Conca.
I posted this on another subject and was told to post here
so here goes! My computer's operating system is Window XP
Home edition. I use TURBO C++ to program and XP handles this
very well. My problem: I am writing a program that requires
an ellipse to be put on the screen at any point, in...
I have been programming using TrueBASIC Silver edition. I write math programs for children. I started to learn TURBO C++ about a year and a half ago. In a program I am writing I have need to put an ellipse on the screen at any position, of any size and at any angle (not just vertically and...
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