I'm trying for connectivity to MSSQLServer thru VB ado.net
Here's the code snippet :
Dim ConnStr As String
ConnStr = "Initial Catalog=pubs;Data Source=DSN;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim ObjConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
ObjConn = New...
Sorry pl. disregard the above!!!
Windows XP is there on my system right from the beginning. And the CD-RW is NOT visible in both My Computer and even in the System Information (Accessories-->System Tools-->System Information). I even tried putting a CD in the drive... it still says that its...
Windows XP is there on my system right from the beginning. And the CD-RW is visible in both My Computer and even in the System Information (Accessories-->System Tools-->System Information). I even tried putting a CD in the drive... it still says that its an "Invalid Drive...
Though how many ever times I try to boot the system in safe mode, last best configuation and normal booting... it never shows the f drive (CD-RW) whereas it never fails to detect the remaining harware like DVD drive and others...
Can anyone pl. help me?
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