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Search results for query: *

  1. cmgaviao

    How can I fill a table variable within a function with SP data?

    I have the following function Below. I was attempting to use TempTables within in it, but apparently temptables aren't supported within functions. So, thinking I was really slick, I decided to replace the temptables with table variables. Only to find out that: EXECUTE cannot be used as a...
  2. cmgaviao

    newbie treeview question

    When using a treeview with checkboxes, how can I get the node of the box that was just checked? IE. if one node is selected and someone clicks the checkbox of a different node, TreeView.SelectedNode returns the originally selected node. And the Selection does not move from the selected node...
  3. cmgaviao

    Creating a Stored Procedure which Accesses Nonexistant column

    Basically, I am importing data into our database. I Have a batch of statements to run and a couple of them require variables retrieved from previous statements. The reason for adding the column is so that I can add the correct data into this particular table. Once its in there, it relates back...
  4. cmgaviao

    Creating a Stored Procedure which Accesses Nonexistant column

    Hello, I am somewhat new to stored procedures. I'm trying to create SP that adds a column to a table, Accesses the column in a select statement, and then drops the column. It seems fairly straight forward to simply add the appropriate sql to the SP. However, when I Run the Create SP, it...
  5. cmgaviao

    synch 2 tables

    I'm new to C#, so pardon any assumptions I make... I have 2 datatables, in a dataset. both bound to their own datagrid. The idea would be that the user scrolling through datagrid one would see the records in datagrid2 get updated with the child records from Table1. Tables are as follows...
  6. cmgaviao

    Is a User Defined Function Faster or Just Easier?

    All, I am converting an application which used to run all client side to process mostly within SQL Server. My question: I have an Update that I run that Calculates the Mileage between 2 cities based on the Latitude and Longitudes of the 2 cities. The calculation is written, and my update...
  7. cmgaviao

    Access Database Select

    The info that is stored in the ODBC manager is stored/accessable from within the registry. You could simply make your modification to the ODBC DSN there. This would automate your process and allow you to continue without a restart of the application. Look in...
  8. cmgaviao

    How to create indexes with TBatchMove ?

    Hello Karen, I already responded to this earlier in your quesion on my thread about using ADO and inserting records. However, now that I see that you're going from one SQL2k to another, I would suggest perhaps that you invoke a DTS (which would copy your indexes) or, if you still simply...
  9. cmgaviao

    Using ADO to bulk move Data

    Hi Karen, If you know the table layout and indexes before hand, I would suggest simply using a Tquery to create the tables and indexes. (This is how I do it.) If you don't know that information, then as VintageWine has pointed out, you can retrieve this info from the BDE TTable componenet.
  10. cmgaviao

    Using ADO to bulk move Data

  11. cmgaviao

    Using ADO to bulk move Data

    I have an application which downloads data from one database, does some formatting, and moves it into my proprietary database format on SQL server or Oracle. In the past, I've always downloaded, dumped to Paradox .db tables, formatted, and batch moved into to the server from the Paradox .db...
  12. cmgaviao

    Creating Multiple TADOQuery @ RUntime

    Could you make the queries Stored Procedures on the SQL server and just call those?
  13. cmgaviao

    Update then Insert or Delete and Insert?

    I have an application that moves data into a temp table to work it over and then moves data from the temp table into the actual production data. Sometimes the data being imported already exists in the production table. Depending on the month, it could be just a few lines from the TEMP table...
  14. cmgaviao

    Upload & Download

    for log files, I like to use a stringlist....quick and easy: procedure Logfile //or pass in some paramaters for the values var slLogFile Tstringlist; begin slLogFile := Tstringlist.create; //load it up first slLogFile.loadfromfile('c:\logfile.txt'); if slLogfile.count = 2 then begin...
  15. cmgaviao

    Need processing ideas!

    This doesn't sound like it should be too difficult. It does sound like its more of an sql question though... which would probably mean another forum depending on what kind of db you're using. and it would be helpful to know what the basic structure of your tables are and the joins between...
  16. cmgaviao

    A simple Table

    ack, I put in those stupid casts...you dont need that it should be: update dates set dayofweek = {fn dayname(dates)} or set dayofweek = {fn dayofweek(dates)}
  17. cmgaviao

    A simple Table

    I assume you have this: Dates 1/1/2001 1/2/2001 and you want this: dates dayofweek 1/1/2001 4 (or maybe you want wednesday) 1/2/2002 5 thursday? in which case, you've got the table, just add the appropriate dayofweek field int or varchar and run an update query...
  18. cmgaviao

    Convert Data type In VIEW

    this is easy: Just cast it as a float SELECT cast(header.[area] as float) / 10 as smAREA FROM sp50devel.[dbo].[header]
  19. cmgaviao

    convert string to datetime

    since dates have a tendency to sometimes get fat fingered or corrupted in some other way, you might consider wrapping a case statement around the convert so that you don't error out on bad data: select case when isdate(mytxtdatefield)= 1 then convert(datetime,mytxtdatefield) else...
  20. cmgaviao

    exporting from sql server to Access

    I'm not sure what kind of support is available when going FROM sqlserver to another database when it comes to the DTS automatically creating keys/indexes, etc. I've not fooled with it much, but in my experience, it hasn't created them for me in the past... The alternative that I end up using...

Part and Inventory Search
