I downloaded the MaxBlast 3 and tried to partition and format the drive. Basically, it says it's completed but I cannot access it as it is still seen as unformatted. i.e. even the MaxBlast 3 utility recommended by Maxtor failed to format the drive (no error message etc though). Maybe a duff...
Maxtor Utilities".... I can't seem to locate anything other than a low level format tool and I'm a bit apprehesive about using that on an EXTERNAL drive (as I still will have to have an internal connected.
I reinstalled VIA 4in1 drivers (so the enhanced drivers were installed and also...
Maxtor 120GB Ext HDD USB2.0 - Formatting Issue
Have just bought a Maxtor External Drive.
I ran the RETROSPECT software (backuop software that comes with it) and tried a backup of a drive... it failed after about 2gb (Ext Drive was fat32). I then tried to delete the info from the drive...
If you find COMET CURSOR installed on any PC's it should be removed as it causes problems with internet browsing.
The software installs in the background without the users knowledge and it has been suggested in a number of articles that this software could be sending...
OS: NT4 sp5
IE: 5.5 sp2
Unable to browse the Internet using the browser.
- Enter an address in the browser (IE5.5) and goto the site: TIMEOUT
- Enter the URL into the "Start, Run" field and it goes to the site.
Anyone seen this before??? I would presume that...
All harddrives have a 'spin-up speed' same as CD-ROMs (though it's more important in CD ROMs)
You'll notice that when you set your 'Suspend options' there is generally a setting for MONITOR and HARDDRIVES. So after the HDD are suspended (PC idle for some time)and you start to use the PC...
Thanks to those that replied
- I've set the Floppy Seek at Boot - Doesn't buy much time. Setting BIOS to AUTO DETECT HDD doesn't buy enough time (as the BIOS seeks for the HDD)
- Plus I've disabled Quick Boot so it now does the memory check. This works ...only draw back...
Upon cold boot I have to wait a few secs and then perform a warm boot (Ctl-Alt-Del) as the BIOS fails to pick up my Primary Harddrive.
This seems due to the time it takes for the harddrive to spin up is to long as the BIOS has already searched for it and was unable...
I'm also having a problem. Can install both (virtual)printers though the "Distiller Printer" always appears offline no matter what.
Any ideas???
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