I have two tables with a common index.
In one table, tableA, the index is unique,
in the other, tableB, it may appear in multiple records, or in none.
How can write a query that returns the count of records in tableA that have NO linked records in tableB?
All advice will be graciously accepted.
I conduct the following 2 queries to get my answer set:
SELECT call_info.call_id, answers.answer
FROM answers INNER JOIN call_info ON answers.call_id = call_info.call_id
WHERE answers.question=1;
SELECT COUNT(temp_table.call_id) as cid, temptable.answer as A...
I am improvising a "file upload" in VBScript, and have succeeded, except in the matter of performance!
I need to convert the binary data returned by the BinaryRead method to ASCII, and do it like this:
postData = ""
Dim biData
biData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)...
I am new to MySQL, and am in the process of migrating an ACCESS database to MySQL/PHP. I am having some big performance issues!
I have many queries that rely on three tables:
i. employee_info (describes a hierarchy of users)
ii. call_info (data describing phone calls)
iii. answers (answers to...
Unfortunately, I can successfully execute something like:
INSERT INTO records(number) VALUES (10)
where number is a field of type integer.
But, when I try a date format it fails?!?!
I must be doing somthing wrong, but I don't know what.
I am a REAL beginner ... so please don't laugh.
I am having trouble inserting a date into a table:
INSERT INTO call_records (date) VALUES (#10/25/02#)
"call_records" is a table, with the field "date" which os formatted for general date input.
what is the correct syntax...
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