Hi there,
is there someone could help me out ? urgent!!!!
is it really a bug or ???
Mysql is in version 5.0.21
i create a procedure which is dynamically dropping existing procedure .
the syntax :
create procedure checkSP (nmSP varchar(200) )
declare ada int;
set ada = 0;
Dear friends,
is there someone could help me ...
What is wrong with my XSL file which is converting an XML file into fixed-length output ?
Because I get 1 empty line before & after the fixed-length data.
Here's my XML
<title>Judul Judul</title>
Hi guys,
I need a solution here. From DatabaseMetadata is it possible for me to get the inside syntax of my stored procedure ?
So far I only can retrieve the Input & Output parameter along with its data type, length, nullable.
Pls respond me ASAP. thanks alot
somebody can help me ??
i run the following script in server SEREIS
create proc sp_transfer_scCompany
declare @brcode numeric, @brnm varchar(50), @jml numeric (5,0)
declare mycur Cursor for
select branch_code, branch_name from [it-6].security.dbo.sc_company where branch_code =52
if you want to show the image (after visitors click the thumbnail), i think you can use javascript window.open syntax.
of course when you write down the javascript code you need to put complete image ID, so the browser will know which image visitors click.
actually I'm having almost the same confuse problem here.
till now i've tried 2 methods for my query dealing with date range.
I'm trying in 2 computer machine which i install the same version MySQL 4.0.21. In one machine i got false return, but at the other one i got the correct ones.
Thanks alot for your info. I've read in the manual stating the same procedure as you said.
So I guess I have to download the next version of 4.1.X
I didn't get the errors like you had.
I also download MySQL 4.0.21 in winzip package from http://www.mysql.org, but i can't find file install.exe like you had.
What I use is Setup.exe. Are you sure you download the right installer ??
could you explain to me more specifically??
I don't get your point, sorry.
I need to make a temporary select table in order to get the sum of subtot field (in cashier table ), and get the sum of amtpay (in payment table). Because it'll be giving unexpected result if I firstly "inner join"...
Hello guys,
kindly please help me with my problems that im having it for abt 1 week, and i can;t solve it.
Im using MySQL 4.0.21 and I have 2 tables :
[payment] [cashier]
id id
amtpay stockid
[payment].id is...
someone can help me
I got this error when starting up my Tomcat
The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined
This environment variable is needed to run this program
To save your server processor, maybe you can put some validation (using client script, of course) before Users click the button show DVD.
As to examine the value which Users would choose in those of your combo boxes & radio buttons.
If the users haven't been set things right, then your...
I guess you got wrong codes manner there. [lipstick2]
oRSgenres.open sqlGenres, "DSN=dvdlist"
oRSgenres.MoveFirst -->as far as I know when you open recordset, then the cursor always stay in the first line (if there's returnable record) OR stay in BOF (if there's no returnable record)...
Could you quote some of your code which is going this error??
When you got this error message, the internal msg will anounce the exact line of its error.
maybe you can use that as direction to your error ASP page.
or you could go to www.microsoft.com site. and search for your error number...
Thanks for the *Star*
Anyway, I was thinking abt one other way. Still don't know suit to your needs or not, and intending to know whether it's a better solution (perhaps you can consult with your SQL Developer).
Here's my idea :
1. Write an SQL stored procedure that will complete deleting all...
Sharing with you abt the usual way of my coding
strSQL = "Select * FROM Investments WHERE ClientID = " & intUserID
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, 1, 3
'strTableTest = "<table><tr><td><b>i</b></td><td width=""50""></td><td><b>Fund ID</b></td><td...
I don't know for sure whether this could be some considerations or not. But If you're using ASP codes. You can export your codes to DLL file. I've read abt this article. But of course there're advantages & disadvantages againt this matter.
Abt what I've experienced in Saving an HTML document, I...
Your redirect syntax must have send address something like this (you should see this kind of pattern in your address bar browser):
The sign #1313 means the browser has to scroll down to the specific bookmark (which you've drawn for each...
I guess you can use response.redirect syntax to go back to your first page, especially to your specific record.
You're abt to put bookmark in every record ID, right ?
That's a good start.
Then you just need to put the query string together along with the achor syntax...
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