I have a button that fiters out forms by date say i filter out 8 contracts i need to print the terms on the back of the contracts page is it possible to print form A then terms Form B then terms etc my printer has duplex feature many thanks for any help given.
Hi i have a text box [assigned to] with a input mask ??\-??\-?? this is in a form the idea is to put initials in for staff working on a job. On a report it would look like po-as-bb i would like to create a query so that when a single initial is input it searches through the three and shows the...
Hi i have two forms (Invoices)A and B invoice A opens as default would love to open invoice B with certain criteria so i put command below into the on open of in voice A
but still opens first at invoice A then when i click close it then opens invoice B any suggestions Cheers
Private Sub...
Help! i have a report linked to a query need to create Highest number column
Example: Pur Ord Inv Amount *Highest Number*
£40 £50 £50
£0.00 £30 £30
£20 £0.00 £20
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