George Tasker has written a function called is_run, that determines if a Windows application is already running by the known portion of the title bar. This function returns the window handle.
This file(ID#9292) is available at universalthread.com.
The story I heard is that when Lotus developed 1-2-3, they did not realize that century years must be divisible by 400 to be leap years.
Lotus 1-2-3 became the spreadsheet standard. In order to be compatible with Lotus, all the rival spearsheets had to conform to this error.
You may want to try this, when all you need is the user's name. SYS(0) will return the host name and the user name.
*!* username.prg
LOCAL lcUserName, lnLen, llRetVal
DECLARE GetUserName IN WIN32API String@, Integer@
lcUserName = SPACE(20)
lnLen = 20
llRetVal = GetUserName(@lcUserName, @lnLen)...
Steve Sawyer published shpgridpick class in the December 1999 FoxPro Advisor that drops a transparent shape on top of the grid. When clicked, the position on the grid receives focus relative to the mouse location on the shape.
When this happens to me on my Tomcat server, I move the old files that Java writes when the JSP is run to a temporary directory. On my machine there files are found in c:\Tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\....
If your file is named page1.jsp, you will find page1_jsp.java and page1_jsp.class...
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