Hello JohnEfford,
I think you sent your mail to the wrong thread, because there was no statement like
da.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(SqlText,);
in your last post you sent to this thread.
Hello JohnEfford and everybody,
I ask myself, whether it's also possible to use complex filter expressions in dataTable.dataView.RowFilter and dataTable.Select. For example, how could I apply expressions such as the two expressions below?
select TerritoryDescription, r.RegionId...
I'm new to SQL Server T-SQL and C#.
In a method of a web application, I create an SQLDataAdapter and execute a stored procedure on the SQL Server from within the C# method. The corresponding query result is filled into a DataSet. Now I want to filter the result set in the same method...
I'm new to SQL Server T-SQL and C#.
In a method of a web application, I create an SQLDataAdapter and execute a stored procedure on the SQL Server from within the C# method. The corresponding query result is filled into a DataSet. Now I want to filter the result set in the same method...
even though I've been searching for an answer to my following question for a long time, I've not been able to find yet:
Does anybody know, whether one can program with COBOL (for Windows, NOT for the mainframe) in the WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer 5.0 environment? (Micro Focus...
even though I've been searching for an answer to my following question for a long time, I've not been able to find yet:
Does anybody know, whether one can program with COBOL (for Windows, NOT for the mainframe) in the WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer 5.0 environment?
Thank you in...
how can I program with COBOL in the MS .NET and IBM WSED 5.0 environments?
Besides, these development environments are new to me and first I want to get a general knowledge about the usage of them. Is there an integrated program in these environments introducing the newcomers to the...
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