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Search results for query: *

  1. jonthequik

    Form Check for duplicate record before update?

    Here is a screenshot of my form. I know specs don't have items, When I generated the form, i had it create a sub-form so that I could enter information for an item and its specs at the same time. I wanted to try to keep the specs separate from the items because of the frequency of duplicate...
  2. jonthequik

    Form Check for duplicate record before update?

    I'll start by saying that I've used Access for a while just as a more powerful Excel. I haven't tinkered with the VB side of it. I tried searching for the answer to this puzzle in the FAQs and in the forums, but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. I have two tables. One that tracks...
  3. jonthequik

    Configure B2D to write to 14 files only?

    I have a Father/Son backup cycle as follows: Friday: Full back up to tape Monday - Thursday: Incremental B2D, Copy to Tape I have enough tapes for two weeks of incrementals (8 days total). But my policy is only writing to the same two files. Is there a way to specify which files to use on...
  4. jonthequik

    Access Form by Elements

    I've got an ASP.NET 2.0 Page written in VBScript. In the script, I ask the user to enter a number of weeks and based on that number, I print a form element for each week. There is one box that the user is allowed to modify in the new form. To create the dynamic form, I do a loop and post to a...
  5. jonthequik

    Submit Delay

    In a web game I play online, there is a part where you can attack another player. In one form, you submit which fleet your attacking with and it redirects you to another page where you submit a target to hit. I'm trying to write a script that will submit form A, then form B after a 3 second...
  6. jonthequik

    Access Denied

    I'm trying to write a script to capture the source code of a page in the second frame. The code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JScript&quot;> function button() { var rng = parent.frames[1].document.body.createTextRange( ); if (rng!=null) { alert(rng.htmlText); } } </SCRIPT> It works when the page...
  7. jonthequik

    Retrieving information from another PAGE.

    I looked into this method and there has to be an ID= somewhere in the code to reference. I've figured out how to capture the source, but now there's a problem. I have to login to play the game. The login downloads a cookie (which I cannot find on my system) and using a CGI script to try and...
  8. jonthequik

    Getting source code into a variable

    The innerHTML and innerText require an id to work. I've found a way to capture source code with a CGI module, but I've encounted another problem. The game I am playing uses a cookie to verify login. If I change browsers (close or use another window, it won't let me continue without logging...
  9. jonthequik

    Getting source code into a variable

    I am trying to figure out if there is a way in JavaScript to get the source code out of a page, and into a variable. I know that you can get the code with a button value of &quot;view-source:http://www.server.com/&quot; but I need it to load into a variable instead of an editor. Any ideas...
  10. jonthequik

    How do I excecute a CGI script

    That's a real good idea. Just make sure that the ISP you use supports all modules for CGI. I use SWBell for another site I'm working on and they don't support some of the higher level modules...so I'm back to hypermart. :P Jonathan Hannan Computer Repair, Webdesign HTML, CGI, PERL...
  11. jonthequik

    Retrieving information from another PAGE.

    The information is from a game called Archmage. You have to login to play the game and it stores a cookie so that you cannot play multiple accounts or use multiple browsers with the game. It's webbased and our &quot;Status Report&quot; is produced by a file called report.cgi. I'm trying to...
  12. jonthequik

    Retrieving information from another PAGE.

    I'm trying to get information out of a page for use in a database. I can't get access to the information from the server because it's loaded through CGI. I CAN get the information by using View Source and pasting the code into a program that searches for the information. What I'm trying to do...
  13. jonthequik

    How can i create my own cgi-bin

    I just wanted to offer another reason for Apache. After setting up the server, if you get a service with a static IP for your ISP account, then you won't have to worry about a hosting service. You can run your own website off of your own machine by going to http://<YOUR IP ADDRESS> Jonathan...
  14. jonthequik

    How do I excecute a CGI script

    Just thought I'd throw some more batter into the mix. Eek, if you don't have time or the resources to play with Apache, then sign up for a Free Webhosting Account with someone who does. You should be able to find several on the web, www.hypermart.net is the largest I know of. They already...
  15. jonthequik

    random music (midi)

    Instead of assigning a script to post a name to the <EMBED>, have the script assign the <EMBED> tag itself.... var song=new Array(10) song[0]=&quot;<EMBED SRC='james_bond_theme.mid' AUTOSTART='true' HIDDEN='true'>&quot;; Jonathan Hannan Computer Repair, Webdesign HTML, CGI, PERL, JavaScript, XML
  16. jonthequik

    Refreshing a frame in IE4

    Check your script for IE 4.0 Compatibility. Make sure that all of the code is understood by the browser. Jonathan Hannan Computer Repair, Webdesign HTML, CGI, PERL, JavaScript, XML
  17. jonthequik

    The Text Cursor in a Text Box

    I'm not sure what you mean, if your looking for a way to have text pre-entered into a Text Box, you can use... <INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;textbox1&quot; VALUE=&quot;Put pre-entered text here.&quot;> The value (same for most input forms) places that assigned value in the form...
  18. jonthequik

    How do I like to a page and show the frame?

    Try this: <A HREF=&quot;page.html&quot; onClick=&quot;parent.main.location='http://www.aol.com'&quot;;>linkname</A><BR> In a table with two cells, the HREF will open the first page in frame 1 (Top or left) and the parent.main.location should load the second page in frame 2....(bottom or...
  19. jonthequik

    How do I like to a page and show the frame?

    If I'm thinking correctly, you need to insure that the frame names on both sites are the same and load the pages into the current frames? Doing a double link will work: <A HREF=&quot;#&quot; onClick=&quot;parent.frame1name.location.href=site.htm&quot...
  20. jonthequik

    Building Databases with Hash, List, or Arrays???

    I'm trying to make a database to help me. I run a newspaper site with Classified Ads. Now, each week I spent fruitless hours updated some 25 different classified section some with the same ads. Now, I plan to have a database that will have an Ad Number, Section Number, Header, and the body of...

Part and Inventory Search
