Yes... I tried the response.buffer=true and periodical response.flush. I think It's like a page timeout ( talking about the page that builds the graphics!) Is any sentence to set the timeout time of an aps page!
My ASP page displays a lot of records, so in order to made the user not bored waiting for the page to be written I place at the top of the page the Response.buffer=false, however, there's some graphics that are built by another asp page and they are called by the first BUT, perhaps the sentence...
HI! I´m new programming in C++ in a multhreading environment. Please somebody know what´s happening when I´m debugging and I obtained an Access Violation at this point:
35373533 ???
What does it mean?
The cursos comes from a function and instead of returning to the caller...
How can I show a dialog box from a single window application. I´m triying to call the dialog box with the doModal function from the application but it gives me this error:
Debug Assertion Failed!
in the file wincore.cpp line 884
When I debug my application it gives me the Access Violation when it tries to run the mktime function :S
PLEASE HELP!!!! I have two days triying to manage this !!!
int checkingDate(string number,int dateDigit)
//int currentDigit=0;
int good;
int digitToCheck;
long difDays;
int newYear=0;
string stringYear;
int modCurrentDigit;
string tempDigit;
Hi! I need some help from you....
I am opening a dialog box with the dialogBox() function and calling this procedure to catch some messages:
BOOL CALLBACK ReceivedVolanteProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch (message)
case WM_COMMAND...
BOOL ventanita::OnInitDialog()
CWnd *uWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_USUARIO1);
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
yes but it doesn't...
Hi! I´m a C++ beginner and I would like to know how can I set the focus to a edit box. I´m triying to build a login dialog and I would like to set the focus to the first edit box ( where the user puts his/her login). I tried to use GetDlCtrl and setFocus but no results!
HI! Could you please provide me the stirng connection that you use to connect to the remedy database. I have one that works well by VB6 but by ASP it doesn´t work PLEASE HELP!!!!!
I am trying to write an ASP script which connects to our Remedy server with the ODBC driver provided in the client install
Could somebody tell me which is the connection string that works!
Hi! I´m trying to connect to an ARS Database from an ASP application using the Remedy ODBC driver, but it sometimes work and sometimes not. I don´t know if I´md doing something wrong when I´m trying to connect bue I´m really desperate. When the ASP application is trying to connect to the...
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