If your up to writing something yourself checkout the CPYSPLF command. With this command you can copy the spool file to a data base file and then download that file using client access.
If you have an older AS/400 (600 series, F series) there's probably nothing you can do. You can try creating logical files with select statements and key fields that closely resemble your data requests.
gargouille, I've been there, done that, got the shirt. I've have completely scoured IE off my system (and I mean everything), except maybe some hidden registry entries. At this point I'm sure it's something hidden in some obscure directory(yet another evil Microsoft plot). Ckecking through...
If it's any help I have the same problem. Only I'm not able to access certain lotus and IBM sites. I ran the repair tool, but it didn't help. It almost looks like I have older version of the site cached and IE can't/won't update it. If you find anything let me know. This problem didn't start...
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