Dear Robert (and any other takers),
First, thank you for taking the time to respond.
Isn't there any way with FoxPro to update a table with the results from a select statement?? This seems like a pretty common requirement. One doesn't always have a constant to put into a field. Does anyone...
I tested the SQL using Oracle8. I have been doing a little research and I think the problem is how I am defining the update statement. Here is the SQL that works with oracle8
create view view1 as select fld1, fld2 from table where...
update table1 set(field1,field2)=(select fld1,fld2 from...
Thanks for the ideas - BUT (there's always a big but)
I don't have Access. I don't know of anybody nearby who has VFP loaded (We live in a small town). I only have access to the DB software I mentioned. (They are evaluation copies!! How sad that VFP doesn't provide the same.)
The problem...
Is it possible to use another DBMS package to access FoxPro 5.0 tables? I have some tables that are used by the accounting program SBT. (Now ACCPAC). Due to an error, there are some fields that are bad. I have written and tested the view and update statements in SQL I need to use to fix the...
Dear Ropje,<br><br>I finally got it all figured out. Yes.. movepro is a foxpro utility written for an accounting program. Sorry.. I didn't know if it was a VPF5 utility or what. It is a nice little feature that they don't document either!<br><br>Thanks,<br>efassett
I am supporting an application based on VPRO 5 and I don't have any documentation that I need to find how to use the movepro command. Can you help me? THANKS<br>
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