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Search results for query: *

  1. shadedecho

    howto: do an internal apache redirect from mod_perl

    OK, so I think I've found the right module to do what I want: http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/SubRequest.html However, the code samples here assume the presence of this magical $r that I don't know where it comes from. It's not automatically defined in my perl script. use...
  2. shadedecho

    howto: do an internal apache redirect from mod_perl

    Inside of a perl CGI script (run through mod_perl on Apache), I want to be able to inspect a URL and based on certain conditions, either decide to allow the requested file or alternately respond with some other behavior (like a 404 or whatever). So, essentially, I have a .htaccess file routing...
  3. shadedecho

    howto: access or manually create Apache2::Response object?

    I have a perl file i'm running from an apache request as a cgi file (mod_perl). Inside this file, I want to use the Apache2::Response module and be able to call methods on an object instance. Essentially, I want to be able to conditionally decide to send certain HTTP response codes (like 204 or...
  4. shadedecho

    access json content inside an iframe?

    how is "theWin" used in your example?
  5. shadedecho

    access json content inside an iframe?

    I've been banging my head on this topic all day. I want to have an iframe load a url which will return nothing but json. And the url will be same domain, so no cross-domain issues. And I want to then access that json from parent document. I've tried several dozen variations of this, to no...
  6. shadedecho

    subquery to simluate table rows?

    thank you r937. that's what I'm going to do, thanks to you and Don.
  7. shadedecho

    subquery to simluate table rows?

    @DonQuichote - Thank you, I think that UNION concept will accomplish what I was looking for. I'll test it out. I never said I was trying to optimize a query or second-guess the sql engine. In fact, this question is part of a much more complex set of query calculations I'm doing, and I *know*...
  8. shadedecho

    subquery to simluate table rows?

    Ok, let's say my absolute finite subset of strings is "abc", "def", "ghi", and "jkl". I have a query which selects from table "foo" (which only has rows with a subset of that possible set of finite string values in its rows). This result set might look like this: 'foo': | str | val...
  9. shadedecho

    subquery to simluate table rows?

    So, let's say I had a table (call that "bar") that had one column in it, and like 5 rows, each with a different string value, like 'abc', 'def', ... etc. I could LEFT JOIN against "bar" from another table (call that "foo"), which only happens to have a subset of those string values as rows in...
  10. shadedecho

    command-line compile AS1 (-->FP6.0.65) code?

    FYI, for posterity sake, I was able to accomplish this. There were some AS2 gotchas related to proper variable scoping when wrapping the functions in an object that mtasc could understand, but I got it to work. Unfortunately, it compiles to ~100 bytes larger than the strictly AS1 variant that...
  11. shadedecho

    how to properly emulate forward/backward buttons for an iframe

    I have a little widget that I've been working on which creates a virtual "browser window" that you can drag around your page, resize, etc. It contains in it an iframe, which the user can load up with any arbitrary page (including those not on the domain of the hosting page), like google.com for...
  12. shadedecho

    Javascript implementation of Punycode (IDN) encode/decode?

    trollacious-yes, I'm thinking I will do exactly that, either with the javascript code found from the second link of the google search you suggested, or from the ASP. The truth is, I started out looking for a complete IDNA implementation package in javascript/actionscript, but honestly the need...
  13. shadedecho

    Javascript implementation of Punycode (IDN) encode/decode?

    Thank you trollacious... you have been helpful in this. Unfortunately the ASP, .Net, and Java versions those links reference are all distributed with "unfriendly" license terms... that is, I ultimately have to include whatever code I get for this task in an open-source project I run which is MIT...
  14. shadedecho

    Javascript implementation of Punycode (IDN) encode/decode?

    i should say, i went to that first link already... the second link in the search results does have some promising help, although I'm not entirely sure if it has everything I need, I'll have to study closer... in any case, it's probably the best thing I have to go on right now, so thank you...
  15. shadedecho

    Javascript implementation of Punycode (IDN) encode/decode?

    yeah, i did that before coming here. I almost mentioned it, but when you go to that thing, it has nothing to download. quite the frustrating tease! :)
  16. shadedecho

    Scrolling to the top of a div

    I interpreted "My issue is that I need for the div to be scrolled to the top on each onClick event." from the OP as saying he wanted his scrollable content div to scroll to the top with an onclick. Am I missing something?
  17. shadedecho

    Reference variable dynamically?

    an easier way (IMHO) than even an array, which preserves the name'ness of your variables when using them later (instead of having to remember array 0-indexing and do stuff like myvar[0]), is to set dynamic properties on an object, like this: var glbnumconvict = {}; // declare empty object for...
  18. shadedecho

    Scrolling to the top of a div

    all you need to do is set the scrollTop property of the div in question... setting it to 0 should scroll it to the top every time.
  19. shadedecho

    Posting form to one external url, but sending user back to same url

    You could popup a child window, post the form to the child window, then redirect your parent window page, and on the new "email sent" confirmation page, close the child window. Users will probably be warned that their form submission is being redirected, though, for security purposes...
  20. shadedecho

    Pop up without reload from new URL

    I think what you may want to consider trying is this: ... <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function pop() { if (!foo) { // always (attempt to) open foo, but don't specify a URL just yet foo =...

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