Hi all,
I have been asked to develop a small system that is to be used on 1-2 Win2000 computers. The problem is I cant decide which database I should couple with Delphi. I have used Database Desktop 7 (Paradox Tables) with my other Delphi applications before and had quite a few problems...
Any ideas as to how i could reset an antoincrement value for paradox tables? I've tried the minimun value 'thing' through database desktop and it doesnt work.
Forget SQL. I'm off using the filter property of a TTable.
Just another quick question though, instead of the user having to type in '' when searching for a value, is there any way it can be embedded in the code. What I've got now is
Table1.Filter:=combobox1.Text+ combobox3.text+ edit1.text...
I have got a few ComboBoxes that contain the fields of a table (GetFieldNames) and edit boxes that allows the user the key in the value(s) corresponding to the Field selected in the combo box. Is there a way the values of these comboboxes and editboxes be embedded in a SQL Query?
For example...
I've got a couple of paradox tables that i access through the BDE. Is there any way i can backup or archive these tables through coding using delphi
Try this
//include ComObj in the uses clause
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Word: variant;
Word := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');
Word.Visible := True;
It opens up a new word document if thats what you're after
Try this
//include ComObj in the uses clause
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Word: variant;
Word := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');
Word.Visible := True;
It opens up a new word document if thats what you'are after
I was actually trying to do it using Delphi as my paradox tables are accessed through the BDE. I am probably looking at capturing and transferring each record to another table as it is deleted.
What I've got at the moment is deleting the current record:
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