I've got a couple of tablespaces with datafiles allocated on filesystems that should have been allocated on raw logical volumes. These are emdedded in the tablespaces (e.g. file 4 in a 5 file tablespace). Because we are going to OPS I need to move these, but I don't want to reorg the whole...
I'm trying to move data amongst my disks. I'm using raw lvs on an AIX 4.3.2 system and Oracle
There is a cplv command in AIX which works fine, but I can't run more than one of these at a time (it's a long story). cplv is fairly new so what was used before? dd?
if so what are the file...
I am attempting to split up a large vg and copying (oracle raw as it happens) lvs from sourcevg to destvg1 and destvg2.
When I try to run two cplvs in parallel, even though the destinations are different and the source disks are different, cplv seems to take a lock on the source VG and I have to...
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