ok - so my next break in the compiler was at this line:
Open "C:\windows\desktop\Today.txt" For Output As intFile
I have commented out the Dim intFile As Integer and the intFile = FreeFile lines. Now I need to know how to output the file to the appropriate file location/name. I'm...
I am writing a module to export the results of a query to a fixed width text file. I am using the MSKB article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q210052 as an example. The only difference that I can see is that the example is based on a table with a primary key and mine is...
Also - how would I declare "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\today.txt" instead of "c:\windows\desktop\today.txt" to be WinOS version independent?
I have a query designed that creates all of the data in the proper order and formatting (mostly). On my main form I have a command button with the Click event set up as follows:
Private Sub cmdRunReport_Click()
DoCmd.TransferText transfertype:=acExportFixed, _...
Actually, this database has an extremely simple task and, it may be short-sighted to say so but, it never will be extended. My main form is a payment entry form in which the property number is entered in cboPropertyNumber, the unit number (not ID) is chosen from cboUnitNumber, the payment...
Each Property Number has multiple Units (think Hilltop Estates, Unit 2, Redwood Estates, Unit 2)
So to copy one of the posts and modify:
PropertyNumber UnitNumber UnitID
1 2 AutoNumber
1 3 AutoNumber...
I have two sets of data to store: Property Number and Unit Number. Property number is unique but Unit Number may duplicate across multiple properties. So in my table, I have a UnitID field set to autonumber to keep each unit separate. The problem is this: How do I keep the data entry form from...
I have a two table database (tblUnits, tlbPayments) with two
forms (frmUnits, frmPayments). The fields of tblUnits are UnitID(primary key), PropertyNumber, UnitNumber, FirstName... The fields of tlbPayments are PaymentID (primary key), UnitID, PaymentAmount....
There is a one-to-many...
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