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Search results for query: *

  1. michael12

    How to use perl to send mail via SMTP server?

    I am trying to use Perl to send email via SMTP server, however I cannot receive the mail. ================= socket(SOCK, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or return "Socket operation failed : Reason $!"; print "test"; connect(SOCK, pack('S n a4 x8', AF_INET(), $port...
  2. michael12

    Can anyone help me this?

    Thanks very much.
  3. michael12

    Can anyone help me this?

    I have a text file "test.txt": ---------- name age address abc1 20 city1 abc2 15 city2 abc3 45 city3 abc4 19 city4 ---------- How can I open this file and print out the new one which is sorted by age? Thanks.
  4. michael12

    how to use perl to sort string?

    I have a text file "test.txt": ---------- name age address abc1 20 city1 abc2 15 city2 abc3 45 city3 abc4 19 city4 ---------- How can I open this file, and print out the new one sorted by age? Thanks.
  5. michael12

    how to forward email on linux

    How can I easily setup linux server to receive email, I want to use this server to receive and forward all emails to ISP's mailbox. thanks
  6. michael12

    how to notify user someone is using perl script?

    I have a login script, is it possible to set up a tag in the html file, so if 2nd user login, he knows someone already logged in?
  7. michael12

    how to match string?

    If I want to filter the string which has only character(A-z) or number (0-9), and ignore all the others, how can I do that? for example: valid string is: aVc, a55,Zf2,4r4 invalid: a$g,4_y
  8. michael12

    linux system time and HD

    I have two questions: 1)I setup the correct date(time) for linux server, why it changes after I reboot system? it seems not related to BIOS time. how to fix it? 2) I have two hard drive in linux server, now I want to disable one of them, I disable it in BIOS, but linux still detects both hard...
  9. michael12

    wu-ftp usage

    this is probably a dummy question, after I ftp to a site, I can use "get,put" to handle single file, or use "mget, mput" to handle multiple files at the same directory, but how can I ftp whole directory(include sub-directory)? Thanks for your help.
  10. michael12

    how to search perl string with special characters?

    Thanks for your help, it works.
  11. michael12

    how to search perl string with special characters?

    I can use /[?%.]/ to search the string which contains those character, but how I can search some characters such as "/", "$" etc..., anyone can help me?
  12. michael12

    how to display value in form?

    This is not my question, I don't want to use the input text box to display the value, how can I get rid of text box and only leave this value so user cannot modify it?
  13. michael12

    how to display value in form?

    I have html code: ------ <form action=admin.cgi method=post> <input type=text name=name value=&quot;&quot; onChange=&quot;this.form.url.value=this.value;&quot;> <input type=text name=url value=&quot;&quot;> ------ Second text box can update the contents the same as first text box, now I want...
  14. michael12

    how to generate html file by perl

    How can I create a html file(now just display on browser) by perl? Now I can view this html page by: print load_template(&quot;abc.html&quot;, {links => $link}); I want to generate a html file which don't have to be called by perl.
  15. michael12

    .htaccess problem

    I have a login script using AuthCookieHandler, my .htaccess contains: ------ require valid-user Options +Includes <Files index.htm> AddType text/html .htm AddHandler server-parsed .htm </Files> ------ which use SSI. Problem: when I first login, it just shows a list of folders and files, cannot...
  16. michael12

    .htaccess problem

    I have a login script using AuthCookieHandler, my .htaccess contains: ------ require valid-user Options +Includes <Files index.htm> AddType text/html .htm AddHandler server-parsed .htm </Files> ------ which use SSI. Problem: when I first login, it just shows a list of folders and files, cannot...
  17. michael12

    can anyone help me on Apache AuthCookieHandler?

    I am installing a login script which use Apache-AuthCookie, when I try to login, it accepts the username/password, also generates session key, however it cannot display the index page in protected area(The page cannot be displayed), what's wrong with it? I do have index.html in protected folder.
  18. michael12

    how to remove character from string

    How can I remove characters from string, for example I want to remove &quot;c&quot; from: gro1:aro1:a,b,c,d gro2:aro2:a,b gro3:aro3:a,b,c gro4:aro4:a,b,c,d,e how to write conditions?
  19. michael12

    how to compare string?

    but how can use &quot;foreach&quot; at the same time? do you mean: foreach $a (@a) { foreach $b (@b) { for ($i=0; $i<=$#a; $i++) { if ($a[$i] eq $b[$i]) { print &quot;$i matched \n&quot;; } } } }
  20. michael12

    how to compare string?

    I have @a foreach $a (@a) {print $a;} the result is: a11,a12,a13.... also I have @b foreach $b (@b) {print $b}; the result is: b11,b12,b13.... how can I set the condition to compare $a, $b, for example if a11=b11 then print &quot;matched&quot;.

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