I have a report to make for our Nurses at me Hospital. They need a report for their schedules. The need it like a cross tab report except in the cross tab report the data fields are summarized. I have a SQL database as my data source. I need employee name down the far left column and around...
Does anyone know how to set a terminal server client user to point to a specific TS session printer port at login. For instant Sally account to point to the printer port TS01?
System Analyst/Programmer
Can someone enlighten me on how permissions are setup on a TS session printer. Are the default permissions created on the TS session printer object from what the clients permissions are? I can't assign permissions on the TS printer object since the session printer object is destroyed when the...
SCQUAN Im sorry they are on a domain. By default the users can print from within the TS if medisoft is not loaded. Once medisoft is loaded they can't with default permissions or any others including Printer operators. Medisoft is somehow unable to print with any other permissions other than...
Ignore the last piece of code that has been commented out. I am experiementing with the AddWindowsPrinterConnection and Remove function. It doesn't work on TS session printers. It can't find \\SERVER\PrinterName\MachineName\Session1. So I can't use those to add or remove like...
Ok, my vbs code has evolved into this. I plan to make it user specific based on the case username above. I can get the printer name from the session printer. Now if I can figure out how to only show that printer. I will post what I come up with later for other to use unless I find another...
I setup group policies today and it didn't seem to work. Unless there is a admin template file I could download for this issue... :)
System Analyst/Programmer
To SCQUAN >> Correction to They rule they understand is that the PC with the printer attached has to be connected to the server in order for the printer redirection to take place.
The rule they understand is that the same printer driver needs to be installed on the server and client...
To SCQUAN they have win9x, win2k, winxp. But the Client PCs that have the printer locally attached are on Win2k and Winxp. I came in on someone else's setups and now properly setting up their systems. So, with that being said they have one client that connects to the server under 1 login...
I have a client that is setup for Terminal Server Windows 2000 sp4. It is a billing company and they use Medisoft for the billing software. We setup the users all on the default users group on the server. When the user is not an administrator Medisoft will not allow them to print with an...
Hi all, I have a similar problem. I get the same message. But the message comes up around record 836. I know this because when I export I get an error (A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array). The report runs fine in crystal reports but it doesnt want to export to any file...
I need a bit of help. I am using CDONTS object to send internal emails. I have it right now to send the email to an outside address like JHANCOCK@domain.com. I would rather have it be sent internally through our exchange server to JHANCOCK and let exchange resolve the email address instead of...
Thanks Denoxis for the reply. Actually I found the problem. It's an oversight on my part. The code works great all the way through the only problem and what was generating the error was that on either of the page I have called the loadVariables 2. But in my include file I changed the arrary...
I need assistance. I have the following code that is used in my wizard type app. To maintain variables across all pages and if the user even goes back from page 20 to page 2 even. All variables are kept with the appropriate field arrays. I seem to have a problem with the LoadVariables...
No sorry just 1 database. The PMR works great in the same database. But, the position control is a seperate piece n the same database. They are seperate pieces because they both have different data sources like tables, queries, linked files etc... The report gets it main data from a single...
I have built a very complexe report to report out position control with various information on there. Basically I have a single query that drives the report and has joins to other tables etc... Well it is in a mulituser environment and so some users may have opened the report and lock others...
hmm ok, different approach but workable in our environment. Thanks a ton for your help. The code needs modification quite a bit. But, the approach seems like a good sollution given with what we have to work with and also it will save development time as well. :) Thanks again. Funny thing is...
Ahh thanks, Now we have many doc's to convert but how would one do this in a batch feature or a single job? Thanks for your last comment I understand now. It is kind of weird to do it that way and not striaght forward but hey as long as it works. :) Thanks
System Analyst/Programmer
I have the same need and it is 1 year and 1/2 later. Is this a possibility these days. I need to have an employee post their DOC, TXT, and or XLS file to an IN folder. Have an automated process convert all the doc's into PDF and spit it out to an OUT folder for pick up. This sounds very easy...
I have the same need and it is 1 year and 1/2 later. Is this a possibility these days. I need to have an employee post their DOC, TXT, and or XLS file to an IN folder. Have an automated process convert all the doc's into PDF and spit it out to an OUT folder for pick up. This sounds very easy...
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