I get an error when using your sugested code:
objoutlook = getobject("Outlook.Application")
end try
On the getobject-statement i get the error 'cannot create activeX-component' in my catch clause.
This error occurs when outlook is closed and/or open.
Any thoughts?
I want my program to start up outlook when pressed on a button, but only if it isn't already running, by using the shell command.
How can i check if outlook is running or not?
Following problem: I developped a program that opens and changes an excel-document and saves it on a different name.
this program runs flawless on my developping computer.
(windows xp,.net 2003,office xp).
When i make a setup-project (in .NET 2003) and install it on the target my...
Is there any way to change the colors (back- and forecolor) of a textbox that is disabled?
Locking the textbox isn't good enough because when it's locked, his events (lostfocus,validating,...) are still fired (and that i cannot have).
And i do need a textbox because some users can change...
Can someone tell me how to make a dsn-less connection to a sybase SQL anywhere 5.0 database?
for example this dsn-less connection to access:
("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\NewDB.mdb")
I want to so something similar to a sybase SQL anywhere 5.0 database
Thnx for the effords guys but found the problem myself.
It is a bug in microsoft office.
visite following link to microsoft site for resolution:;en-us;320369
i used your 3 lines of code and i got the same error message as before on the last line !
Old format or invalid type library.
Any thoughts
thnx for replying
Thnx for the reply benlinkknilneb
No, adding the office library doesn't change a thing.
At the followong line of code i still get the same error:
oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add
Any thoughts?
This is my code:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
' Start Excel and get Application object.
I have following problem.
In my database i have a table of articles.
I show following columns on my report:
artnr,description,price,tax percentage.
The records are grouped on tax percentage.
In my group footer i show the running total of my price column.(totprice)
What i also show in my...
I'm using a windows xp pro system with visual 2003 and microsoft office xp.
This is my code
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oXL.Visible = True
oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add
This is my stored procedure...
create procedure get_tableInfo
@tablename char(8)
select * from @tablename
This doesn't work.
What i want to do is returning a selection on a table in my database. The name of the table is given as a parameter.
Any thoughts?
This is my stored procedure...
create procedure get_tableInfo
@tablename char(8)
select * from @tablename
This doesn't work.
What i want to do is returning a selection on a table in my database. The name of the table is given as a parameter.
Any thoughts?
I want to display the current time
This is my code:,"hh:mm")
I get for example: 01:30
What i actually want is: 13:30
My computer settings are correct because my windows clock in my statusbar is showing 13:30.
Can anyone help me?
hi stnkyminky
Yes pc2 has full permissions from the db.
SQLexceptions & innerexceptions doesn't give a more detailed description.
Thnx for replying.
I still haven't found the problem.
Any thoughts?
i have written a small database application using sql server. After testing my application on my pc everything works fine.
Now i copy my project to another computer also having installed (the same version as is installed on my pc). If i run my project there i always get an exception...
How can i make sure the user cannot go to the second tab page befor the first one is filled in correctly.
If possible i would like to disable the little tab-button of tabpage2 when on tabpage1.
Until a checkbox on tabpage1 is checked the tabpage2 cannot be reached.
Any thoughts?
following problem:
I have a textbox. When the decimal point is pressed on my keyboard i need it to be replaced by the comma.
I vb6 that was easy. you just had to replace the keyascii value in the keypress event.
In .NET the e.keychar seems to be read-only and cannot be replaced.
Is there...
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