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Search results for query: *

  1. SBerthold

    DataGrid just empty!

    If the grid is showing as many empty rows as records in the table, then using the first example, check the color of the grid's record selector. It may be White. Click on the grid and then check the ForeColor of the Grid in the properties window and set it to &H00000000&. Set it's BackColor to...
  2. SBerthold

    AD and Term Serv: Saving specific Folder from Local AppData

    Using AD and Terminal Server, how can the user's folder: C\:Documents and Settings\%User%\Local Settings\Application Data\SomeAppFolder\ be saved as a roaming folder? AD doesn't redirect the Local AppData folder, and therefore it gets discarded when the user logs off of terminal server.
  3. SBerthold

    Closing MDI children

    But he first said in his second post: However, yes, in the QueryUnload that will also cause the problem. In all, as I stated, some objects are not getting unloaded.
  4. SBerthold

    Closing MDI children

    Oh. Sorry. I should have caugth this also. [smile]
  5. SBerthold

    Closing MDI children

    Actually it is: Child1 - Unload Child2 - Unload Subsequent Children - Unload and then MDI - Unload >Is there anything in the MDI's QueryUnload event that would affect subsequent events? Not really, unless you set the Cancel to vbTrue, as the forms unload between the MDI_QueryUnload and the...
  6. SBerthold

    Comman-Line Parameter into VB6

    Yep, that's what we said. So using explicit referencing should work: VBA.Command() MyDll.Command
  7. SBerthold

    Removing Access Index used by system

    The Index probably has a different name than the field name if it was a primary key. Open Access and the table in design mode, and under the Menu "View" click "Indexes" and see what the name(s) of the index for this field is.
  8. SBerthold


    try Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
  9. SBerthold

    Data report

    Oh no...it's late Friday afternoon Forget what I posted. I read too fast. n1a2v3i3n, you cannot close the recordset connection when showing the Report unless you use a local cursor. See if this works: Adodc1.CursorLocation=adUseClient Adodc1.Open st, str, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Set...
  10. SBerthold

    Data report

    I'm sorry, I mis-typed. Replace everywhere in my previous two posts: Adodc1.ActiveConnection With Adodc1.Recordset.ActiveConnection
  11. SBerthold

    Data report

    and to leave it open and not get the error you could also use: Dim bOpenConn as boolean bOpenConn =(Adodc1.ActiveConnection is Nothing) If (not bOpenConn ) then bOpenConn=(Adodc1.ActiveConnection.State = adStateClosed ) If bOpenConn Then str = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data...
  12. SBerthold

    Data report

  13. SBerthold

    Compadibility problem with vista

    Make sure you install as an Administrator! Try installing just C++ and VB, or VB if that is all you needed. There are some issues with other components. (And issues with the Java VM licensing - However, I don't know if that will cause and installation problems) See...
  14. SBerthold

    An unexpected setup error has occurred

    In the [IconGroups], try changing: PrivateGroup0=Falso to PrivateGroup0=False
  15. SBerthold

    Textbox names and code

    While (x<10) Me.Controls("txtr" & Cstr(x)).Text = "some text" x = x + 1 Wend Better would be to use a control array Add a text box (Text1) and change it's Index property to 0 Copy the text box and paste it again onto the form. The new Text box should have an index of 1. Then: While...
  16. SBerthold

    VB6 on Windows 7: It's Official

    Thank you dilettante
  17. SBerthold

    How do I test if a dynamic array has elements?

    >(and yes, there is clearly some interesting casting going on behind the scenes here) Quite interesting indeed.
  18. SBerthold

    How do I test if a dynamic array has elements?

    Didn't see the last two posts. I should have refreshed prior to posting....
  19. SBerthold

    How do I test if a dynamic array has elements?

    False/Ture? There seems to be a misunderstanding. I never wrote that this is what we are checking for. And >If MyArray = True Then does not work (error). And If Not MyArray =false is not what we are looking for, and will never be False. What we are looking for, is what INTEGER value...
  20. SBerthold

    Rename Files on Remote Computer under Vista

    It is a problem of the refreshing of cached folder contents of part of the OS, and a delay until the system refreshes it. I added in the following code an extra check if the file still exists, in case the routine is called again right away. It may help: Public Function FilesList(sSourceFldr...

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