I'm a newbie palmer using a m130.
I use Eudora 5 and find that the palm email program that came with it gets the emails in the Eudora inbox when I do a hot synch. Is there a program that synchs with other the other mailboxes I have in Eudora, particularly the outbox and to other data such as...
I notice that people write logn scripts with the find method of the recordset object. Isn't it better to filter with a WHERE clause in the query and test login with value of myRecordSet.eof?
My assumption is that the find method of the recordset object is scrolling throug all the record, which...
The problem is I don't know the first thing about writing macros. so I think what I'll do is import the data into a table, write an asp script that assigns the imported table to a recordset, and scrolls down the record set inserting the data into the the existing tables by executing sql insert...
Thanks. That sounds like good advice. I'll try it.
What I'm confused about is that with asp and ado you can create recordsets based on queries and when you update those recordsets the tables, upon which the select query was based, get updated. So I figured you could do the same thing in Access.
I need to import data from a text file to an access2000 db.
The text file is obviously in a flat format, ie non-relational and the access file is relational.
I thought that if I create a query which displays all the data in the two related tables I would get the same data structure as the text...
Thanks for your comments. Your last paragraph, Rob, confirms my second option, which I am now leaning towards.
As far a ISBN is concerned, I don't think its going to function as a key for every single item that I will have in the data base. Its just one piece of data that I will record for most...
Here is a specific question about how I should represent a real life situation with database design.
The book list I'm working with has many examples of book titles shared by many books where there are many different parameters which may differentiate between them and some of those parameters...
Having trouble getting text stream object to work on local iis server.
The following code results in no response to the browser and subsequent requests to the website after this code is run also get no response from the website until iis is reset.
The set ObjectTextS line is the culprit.
Just took a look at some marerial on the Duamish project at the msdn library. I couldn't find was most interested in; a diagram of the db tables and relationships. But I will be taking a look at the material there... Thanks for pointing me there. It looks quite interesting.
Being originaly...
Thanks for your comments. I am aware of the problem of storing credit cards on a website db and have a plan to protect the privacy of my customers. This isn't really what I meant by critique of the db design. But while we are on the topic, can you recommend a company for processing online credit...
Here are the tables that store information about website users, mainly customers, their accounts, login keys, group affiliations, discounts, primary addresses and shipping addresses.
One thing I wasn't sure about was whether or not to store discount information in the users table in addition...
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