I want to move to a different html page when the user selects optionb. How can I do this using javascript and a drop down menu? I know this is probably very basic but I haven't done this in years and even then only touched on it. But i can't seem to recall how to.
Many thanks
Is it possible to have a listbox with checkbox against each option? If not, is it at least possible to give the illusion of this, as this is for a demonstration and does not need to be functional. It should be possible to check the box.
This could be demonstrated by having a small image of a...
I want an "undo" menu option on a text editor. I have no problem undoing key strokes, eg. After using backspace key or keying in characters, and then using my mnuEUndo option, but if the user decides to use mouse to select text, then menu option EditCut, and then I use the undo button...
I have a menu with File, Exit option - mnuFExit.
Windows has a shortcut key for this ALT-F4.
I want this to appear on the menu next to the option.
Open ctrl + O
Exit ALT + F4
as ALT + F4 isn't on the list of options when I go into menu editor in tools, how can I show this.
My main interest is making sure only one copy of a text file can be open at a time, tho' other files can be open.
I did try using just the open statement, instead of the open statement and close statement when opening a file, and then for saving, using
close statement
open statement...
So I could have five child forms open at the same time, all opened with
Open sMyFile For Input Lock Read As #iFNum
and not use
close #iFNum until I actually exit the file. Or if i amend one of the files and decide to save but not exit the file I would need to
but again...
I am creating a text editor using vb6.0. This has a mdiform with child forms. When a text file is opened in the text editor I want to ensure that no other program can open this file or that the text editor cannot open this file again. While it is possible to use lock and unlock between the...
Many thanks for your reply. My mistake was when opening a file using FileOpen menu option, code similar to the following:
open statement
print statement
close statement
and then lock statement. This caused problems when I went to close #f in the save statement.
My reasoning was trying to...
This is the code I'm using for save
strString = MDIForm1.ActiveForm.Caption
If strString <> "" Then
Close #f
f = FreeFile
Open strString For Output As #f
Print #f, MDIForm1.ActiveForm.txtNote.Text
Close #f
The code fails at...
I am creating a text editor using mdi form with menu, and child forms.
For SaveAs I am using the commondialog.showsave. I also want a save option which will recognise the active form. The file name is in the child forms caption, eg L:\test.txt, and I want to save immediately without going to...
I have already set up an MDIForm with a child form (with textbox for editing files), and the one and only menu is on the MDIForm. I feel i have gone too far to change the menu to the child form.
ex. I have two child forms open, one with amendments and one without, and i go to close...
I am using an MDI form as my main form. This has a menu which includes File Open. If every time I open a file, I use the freefile function, will the number generated by the freefile function be unique to this file. For example I want to put this number in an array, and every time I save the...
I want to report off an xml file with structure
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