I have a 2960 switch and a router and I'm planning to create two VLANs with private IP subnets in the catalyst. I will connect this catalyst to a router with public IP addresses. My question is, how will the hosts connected in the catalyst browse the internet? a sample configuration or a brief...
Hi John,
yes you are correct, the number of trunks that we have are about 250, we have another 250 DNs. We are looking at making around 200 simultaneous calls. We configured additional 2 TDS/DTR card to add more DTRs to make sure dial tones is not a problem. However, when we have 75 DNs...
We have an Option11 with 600TNs, However, when 150 TNs are simultaneously calling, other DNs are experiencing no dialtone. Is the 600TNs synonymous to 600 simultaneous calls per system? How do we check the number of simultansous calls allowed per system?
Pedro Penduko
trunk supervision is on for both DTI trunks.... CLS YES in LD 14 ..... the DTI trunks are still disconnecting once the DN who initiated the call (and transfer) hangs up.
One of our application needs a trunk to trunk transfer capability where an analog line will access a DTI trunk and once connected the call will be transferred to another DTI trunk. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
Is there a freeware or shareware software that will enable a user to see the 'translated' CDR for incoming and outgoing calls on a realtime basis?
Thanks for the reply, yes we are sure they are sending it, I turned on MSGI and MSGO for the defined DCH and we can see the ANI on the ISDN messages. Also, the ANI is displayed in the CDR after the inbound ISDN call is completed.
What are the things that I have to do to display the CLID to digital phone's LCD (display) from an ISDN trunks.
Right now, the displayted information is the ROUTE ACOD + MEMBER NUMBER....
Thanks in advance...
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