For background, we plan to implement Platinum for Windows (PFW) version 4.6a in Windows 2000. PFW 4.6a is a 16-bit application. During testing, we keep encountering issues such as: "Out of memory" and computer hanging.
Does anyone know if Windows 2000 has issues in running...
Hi rtyson,
I was wondering if you could help me out. I am currently using PFW 4.6a. Is it possible to run PFW 4.6a on a Windows XP? I thought it was not possible because XP cannot run 16-bit applications. In addition, is your PFW installation on XP stable?
You mentioned that you made a...
Has anyone experienced this problem? Upon trying to log-in to PFW 4.6a, the error message comes out: Run-time error 367: Can't load (or register) custom control: 'C:\PFW\PLTEDIT.VBX'.
Once the error message comes out, the user is unable to enter into PFW 4.6a.
Would just like to clarify, what version of PFW were you using in which you experienced the IN problems? I myself am using PFW v. 4.6a - actually issues do not come out when doing small tests, but they do occur during production/live-site when it involves large quantities of data already.
Could you give me more details on this 3rd party software you are using? I would like to finally resolve this IN issue once and for all.
Actually, the issue is quite more complicated with me since I also use PFW GL also. The GL module extracts the cost of goods sold of the items...
I wanted to get your insight on this problem that we are experiencing in Korea. The problem occurs only when they start running PFW 4.6 in Korean windows - problem does not appear in English windows.
The problem is when they are entering an on-account Credit Memo and they click F9 on the...
I have found the Valuation Report in Platinum for Windows 4.6 to be very unstable and unreliable. Aside from the issues you have been experiencing wherein items with zero inventory quantities still have extended costs, I also experience times wherein items with non-zero inventory quantities...
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