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Search results for query: *

  1. smithia6

    Export as CSV

    Rodie I understand what your saying if file Exists etc. My problem is a know zero about VB and I have to add the above function to the excel sheet !!! Can you help at all?
  2. smithia6

    Export as CSV

    Hi guys I am no VB expert at all so I am in desperate need of help please. Does anyone have some code I can cut and past for the following:- I have a excel spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. I have a button in one of the sheets and what I want to happen is once this button is clicked I want it to...
  3. smithia6

    add 0 to empty line

    Tried that and this is what I get awk: syntax error near line 1 awk: illegal statement near line 1
  4. smithia6

    add 0 to empty line

    Last question of the day folks. I have the script running nice now where it adds up lines of data, however some lines of data look like this. 3.2 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 Notice some of the lines have no data what I need to do is to add a 0 to the empty lines, how can I do this?? Regards Ian
  5. smithia6

    Read file and add the data

    Thanks guys, Worked a treat. Regards Ian
  6. smithia6

    Read file and add the data

    Hello. I have a file that looks like this below. 3.2 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 I wander if anyone has a way to read this line by line and add up the totals and send it to another file. This file can have as many as 100 lines and as little as 4 so I never know how...
  7. smithia6

    cron errors running script every 5 mins

    Ahhhhhh that did the trick, I got carried away with the 5,10,15,20 etc ... didn't know when to stop. Regards Ian
  8. smithia6

    cron errors running script every 5 mins

    I create the cron jobs in a text file I call crontab.txt. Once I am happy with it I issue the following command. crontab crontab.txt This usually works fine, I check it by doing a crontab -l However these errors are occurring whilst issuing the command crontab crontab.txt Regards Ian
  9. smithia6

    cron errors running script every 5 mins

    Hi I am trying to set up cron jobs on a Sun Solaris 8 server and getting nothing but errors back. I want my 2 scripts to run every 5 mins. I have tried this:- */5 05-22 * * 1-5 /export/home/smithia6/myscript1.sh and I get this :- crontab: error on previous line; unexpected character found in...
  10. smithia6

    Driving me MAD!!!!! help

    Thanks so much. I tried all sorts of things with tr and thats all it was. Couldn't see the forest for all the trees where in the way. Regards Ian
  11. smithia6

    Driving me MAD!!!!! help

    Please does anyone know the answer to a simple problem. I have a file with mabey 350 lins of data a day, the lines of data look like the below. 113M,583M,78 All I want to do is to look at this file called data.csv and remove the M so it will look like this... 113,583,78 Regards Ian
  12. smithia6

    Unix Monitoring

    I have have looked at the sar man pages still not helping very much. I really am struggling with this one. Regards Ian
  13. smithia6

    Unix Monitoring

    Hi. I am wondering if anyone can help please. Does anyone have a script or can start me off on the right tracks to create a script that can be ran every 60 seconds on a sun solaris 8 server that will report back the CPU usage, memory usage and disk traffic usage and append the 3 figures to a...
  14. smithia6

    Job Market for Unix Admin. Solaris 8

    Well I have read everyone's comments and I just thought I will add a few. I think everyone has in their view a valid point, I don't think anyone is bashing anyone or putting people off getting certifications. Just to give you a little insight, I don’t have any UNIX certifications, nor really do...
  15. smithia6

    Sorting files names and moving.

    Where aam I going wrong here????? #!/bin/ksh for D in `$*` do mv &BAKUP/*_$D.dat ~/iandave/file1 done cd ~/iandave if test -f file1 then cat file1 | cut -c3-12 | sort > ./file2 else echo "No Files Exist" exit fi...
  16. smithia6

    Sorting files names and moving.

    I don’t suppose you could elaborate on that a little could you! How do I pass the variables to the script if I add then at the start of the script how do I call back upon them within the script, and if I don't know how many I am going to pass at the start of the script can I just keep adding...
  17. smithia6

    Sorting files names and moving.

    Hi I am just about to write a script but I need a little help to get me started. I have a directory with txt files and the files names have different names at the start but they all have one thing in common, that they have a creation date in the file name E.G file1_20031115.dat...
  18. smithia6

    Problem with Date Criteria

    Can that be done????
  19. smithia6

    Problem with Date Criteria

    Magic!! I have it running sweet now, thanks Bob your a star. Ian
  20. smithia6

    Problem with Date Criteria

    Thanks Bob you have been very helpful. I have it running now using : - Between [Begin Date] And ([End Date]) I did try using Between [Begin Date] and ([Begin Date]+ 4)and got an error babbling on about it was maybe to complicated expression and to try simplifying it. I am placing this string...

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