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  1. netizen

    How to convert Word/Excel files to .PDF using VB automation

    Hi! As the subject says, I want to open Word/Excel files using common dialog and on a click of button want to convert them into PDF and save it in a given location, all this using Visual Basic automation with Acrobat object library. Any sampe would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Netizen
  2. netizen

    How to prevent sending mail without Subject using Outlook or VBA

    Hi! One way to prevent a mail being sent without subject given is writing a macro and pasting it as shown in steps below: 1. Open Outlook 2. Press Alt+F11. This opens the Visual Basic editor 3. On the Left Pane, one can see "Microsoft Outlook Objects", expand this. Now...
  3. netizen

    Problems with opening excel file from FTP location

    Hi! I've an FTP site where I programatically upload some files. After that view these files using Internet Explorer (my version is 6.0). All files get opened in the browser without any problem except excel files (.xls)! While opening any .xls file, from being in this FTP folder, it first pops up...
  4. netizen

    VBA-Excel macro help required

    Hi! I'm working with Excel and I've this problem. I've a few names in one column and next to each name there is a corresponding id. Example John | 02343 Harry | 39321 Mary | 23422 Alex | 32023 Faith | 92930 I've this data in my first sheet of workbook. So, at some place on another...
  5. netizen

    Visual Basic Setup issues!

    Hi! All, I've created a setup for an application developed using VB6. This app has few crystal reports done with version 7. Now the setup works on my machine properly but with one installation error msado25.tlb where it gives 'Abort', 'Ignore', 'Retry'. I just say ignore and it completes on my...
  6. netizen

    Text data type problem

    Hi! I'm using VB6 and SQL Server 2000! I've an application in VB where i'm sending some information like square root of or some other special character information to update in SQL 2000 data table. Actually I'm encrypting this information using Crypto DLL's and storing it at the backend. From...
  7. netizen

    Crystal Report : Database Error !

    Hi! I'm using Crystal Reports 8.5 and DB2 to generate my reports. I've created an SP in AS/400 and am able to see that from Crystal Reports when i connect using the Data Explorer. But when i try to add teh SP to the report it gives me the following error: "ODBC Error: [IBM][Client Access...
  8. netizen

    Notes and Visual basic automation!!!

    Hi! How to open the predefined, saved notes mail templates from Visual Basic. Say i click a menu item from VB then it should list me all the save predefined templates in a list box so that i can select the respective template and pull open the same using VB and Notes automation methods! The user...
  9. netizen

    Opening Lotus Notes templates from Visual Basic

    Hi! I'm using VB and i want some information to be automated using Lotus Notes as explained below: There are certain templates (a mail item with a logo and some predefiend text etc.) which i want when i click a menu item in VB. These templates will have a subject and all such templates subject...
  10. netizen

    Lotus Notes E-mail using VB6

    Hi! I'd like to know how to open saved templates (i.e. templates created using Lotus Notes that is basically a mail item with a logo on it in the left side and some pre defined text and signature) using Visual Basic automation. I mean i'd click a menu item upon which i should be able to read a...
  11. netizen

    Copy files from URL to local folder

    Hi! I've a URL location (Ex: http://myServer:8080/test) where I've some files. Now how do I copy these files which are under this URL to a local say "C:\Test" directory? How to do it in Visual basic? Can we do it using the File System object? Please let me know... thanx. netizen
  12. netizen

    How to give our own filename in Save Dialog box using Excel Automation

    Surprisingly, i put this question but didn't get a proper response till today. Here is the answer: Add a command button to a form and set reference to EXCEL OBJECT LIBRARY (maby EXCEL8.OLB or EXCEL9.OLB or EXCEL10.OLB). Then add following code: THis explains clearly what resolution i was asking...
  13. netizen

    How to give our own filename in Save Dialog box using Excel Automation

    Hi! all, I'm working with VB6 and Ecel 97 object library. I'm able to open up excel sheet using desired automation also giving a filename for the worksheet (using .Name property of worksheet) as well as Overall window name as the same. Please find the code below...
  14. netizen

    How to disable 'X' button

    Hi! ALL, I'm working with VB6 and Excel 97 object library. I want to Disable worksheet's control box 'X' button through automation and disable it, so that the user can close only the workbook and not the work sheet. Please let me know how to do this. thanks much, netizen
  15. netizen

    Operating System details in VB

    Hi! All, I'm working with VB6 and i'd like to know through VB which Operating System I'm using? Is there a command to do it or any API??? Please let me know. thanks much, Netizen
  16. netizen

    memory can't be read

    I'm working with Excel 97 and VB6 using Excel object library. After generating the desired results, I'm closing down the excel object library using the following: Dim oApp as Object Dim oBook as object ... ... ... set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application","") set oBook =...
  17. netizen

    Data reports

    Hi! All, I'm working with data reports and i want to know how to give a break up of records to the next page! Currently, I'm having a problem when more records are there to display in detailed section. That is, the detailed section prints 3 rows for each record. So, when it comes last in that...
  18. netizen


    Hi! there, from what i could understand is that you have hardcoded the path name. Do not do it that way. Instead refer the filename as App.Path & "\" & "the file name" from your application code. while making a setup make sure you have this file copied in to your...
  19. netizen

    VB6 and Excel 97 automation

    Hi! All, I'm working with VB6 and Excel 97 object Library. I would like to know how do i close the instance which is opened upon the following statement. I'm opening an excel workbook from App.path using the following statement: strFileName="C:\Work\abc.xls" Set oBook =...
  20. netizen

    Supressing a data column in Data reports

    Hi! All, I'm working with VB6 data reports and I need to programatically suppress a data column based on a condition. Is there a way to do this? If yes, please let me know. thanks, hari

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