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Search results for query: *

  1. Leonardl

    listbox.items property tstringlist?

    Well because the stringlist has a duplicates property,and tsrtings does not. but I did get around this by using the first example above. when i add to the listbox i first add to a globall stringlist. then i clear the list box and copy the stringlist to the listbox. works fine for what i need...
  2. Leonardl

    listbox.items property tstringlist?

    is there a way to change a listbox's items property from a tstrings to a tstringlist?
  3. Leonardl

    How can I get around this delphi bug?

    there is a bug in the shelllistview onAdvancedCustomDrawItem. the item.caption property is always ''. kinda makes the AdvancedCustomDrawItem event for this component usless. works fine for the tlistview. any way around this?
  4. Leonardl

    Resizing Form

    try this api function showwindow (Handle,SW_MAXIMIZE); handle is the window handle like form1.handle -len http://latkinson6.tripod.com/
  5. Leonardl

    html on a form

    I am trying to put an internet searchbox on a form, but i need to use html as the source. if i use the twebbrowser i get an ugly box with scrollbars! im doin somthin similar to what kazaa does with their advertising right on their form. or how can I remove scrollbars from a window- like the...
  6. Leonardl

    MDI app problem

    but yet when I step through the code i see it get set to true, but the button is still disabled. I created a test mdi app with a few buttons and can set their props from the child form with no prob. so I think there is somthing i don't yet know. maybe its in the webrowser component. even thid...
  7. Leonardl

    MDI app problem

    I am trying to set a buttons enable property from within the child form, but nothing happens. procedure TMDIChild.WebBrowser1CommandStateChange(Sender: TObject; Command: Integer; Enable: WordBool); begin case Command of CSC_NAVIGATEBACK: form1.backbtn.Enabled:=Enable...
  8. Leonardl


    oops fileexists should be directoryexists and after else should be tv2.Root:=tv1.path;
  9. Leonardl


    I got it to work like this: const //string version of trootfolder in ShellCtrls.pas TRootFolders :array[1..23] of string = ('rfDesktop', 'rfMyComputer', 'rfNetwork', 'rfRecycleBin', 'rfAppData', 'rfCommonDesktopDirectory', 'rfCommonPrograms', 'rfCommonStartMenu', 'rfCommonStartup'...

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