It seems you're actually looking for an absolute position rather than a relative one.
There are a lot of X,Y methods to choose from. If I were you I'd use clientX (IE) and if you have no layers, layerX (NN).
// IE
if (event.clientX) {
curLeft = event.clientX;
if (curLeft < 20) {...
You need to use an if statement to check the coordinates. If it's less than a certain value, set it to the minimum value to get the whole menu on the screen.
I'm not sure how you've used offsetParent so I'll assume you've got it to the stage where you have coordinates from the left and top...
statusVars.onLoad = showStatus;
should read:
statusVars.onLoad = showStatus(1);
I'm not sure why the showStatus function accepts the variable success and then checks for it, but while it's there you need something between the brackets I've added, but it can be anything, 1 is just an example.
Excel can export as XML but I use a tool called trans2xml. I think I got it from Cnet.
I think the best way to go would be to load the data as an external .js file with:
mydata = "thisisallmydata";
You can then put the script which deals with the mydata variable wherever you want.
In c++ and VB it's called a combo box. Unfortunately you don't get them in HTML.
What you could do is have a textbox with an image of the dropdown arrow next to it (or a button with ' v ' on it).
Then when the button is clicked show a menu on a layer. when a value on the layer is clicked use a...
I don't know much about this but try:
This does an unconditional GET rather than the default conditional GET which will reload from cache if available.
That's what I was showing you before. I'll explain again in more detail.
I'm not sure how it works in Frontpage but I'm sure it's pretty much the same as Dreamweaver.
Leave the image that you want to change as a normal image. Then make a rollover image in the cell that you want to cause the...
I can't tell you why it didn't work unless I see the code.
If you use the post method you need to replace $HTTP_GET_VARS with $HTTP_POST_VARS or simply $_POST
It's not what you know, it's who knows it that counts.
For cross browser compatibility you can't assign onMouseOver to a table cell.
If you're using dreamweaver, the easiest way is to insert a rollover image which will create all the code you need. Then go into code view and look at the onMouseover for the <a> tag surrounding the image...
The path for form objects varies between browsers. I would suggest using a different method.
Change your buttons to:
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="btnUpdate" Value="Update" onClick="verification("button1")">
<INPUT TYPE="button"...
I don't think the submit button is sent as a variable, but I'm guessing. You can check by doing a foreach on $HTTP_GET_VARS and printing them all to see what you've got.
I would suggest adding a hidden field to the form which is set by a javascript function when the button is clicked.
I'm a bit of a novice in this area myself, but seeing as no-one else has helped, I'll take a guess based on what I've found in the manuals.
I think the problem is with the wickersty.team_roster bit of the statement. I couldn't find any info that included the . syntax but there is a similar...
Submitting a form clears the fields automatically.
I have been unable to script round this by copying variables to a variable and then copying them back afterwards.
Is this your only problem or is the form not working? It's not what you know, it's who knows it that counts.
Your question made me think of doing a context help which I've posted in the Javascript forum.
thread216-482639 It's not what you know, it's who knows it that counts.
It's probably possible to do it with 1 form but I don't know how.
If you don't need any of the fields in the form to be sent to the help php file, just add another form with the help button inside it as type submit. I've just tried this:
<form name="form1" method="post"...
I'd try
echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?query=".$query."&page=".($page +1)."\">Next</a>";
with " and . so that $query is not part of the text.
The code below is not causing you a problem at the moment but will when you get to page 3.
if($num < 10){...
radio buttons are a bit dodgy in Javascript.
They are stored in an array with the value inaccessible until the form is posted.
However, you can use:
if it's not the first radiobutton with the name tspdata, change the array index accoringly. ie...
You need the word COLUMN after ADD.
$query_add_field=mysql_query("ALTER TABLE 'wickersty'.'team_roster' ADD COLUMN '$field_name' TEXT NOT NULL");
If you want to specify where it goes use:
$query_add_field=mysql_query("ALTER TABLE 'wickersty'.'team_roster' ADD COLUMN...
Try this for less typing:
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {
$formoutput .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$value\"> \n";
<form ......>
<? print $formoutput ?>
that will give you a hidden input for every field...
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