Hi All,
I'm sure somewhere on MIcrosoft.com the marketing guys have their spin articles but I have a client pushing back on using VB .Net versus (C ++) or C #
Has the new version of VB .Net overcome that old issue with the non compiled Version 6 ?
Here's their question...
Do you know how to retrieve valuable data stuck in some Exchange 2K data files recovered from the Exchgsrvr\MDBDATA fiolder on a crashed Win2003 SBS Server.
I have since re-installed SBS2003 and Exchange 2000 but I can't seem to see any documentation to see if I can recover the files.
I dare...
HI Zhavic,
Here's what I came up with using your structure and my real table names.....
DECLARE @tab TABLE (Field VARCHAR(128), Value VARCHAR(250) )
SET @FolderID...
How to Update from Single Row/Many columns to Single Column/Many Rows
In SQL Server2000
I want to try to create a stored procedure that uses the following select statement which pulls all the column names from a single row in a table: We'll Call it A
FROM syscolumns...
AFter Further Review....
I'm Not sure I stated my Problem correctly
Here's Table A
Folder ID Apples Peaches Plums
000011 Red Yellow Purple
I want to insert it into this table B
FruitID Color
and End...
In SQL Server2000
I want to try to create a trigger or at least a stored procedure that uses the following select statement which pulls all the column names from a single row in a table: We'll Call it A
FROM syscolumns
WHERE [id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.A')
To create a...
Anyone know how to get the utility in XP that lets you choose which drivers will load and how startup will run.
I remember it as a graphical applet with listings of startup dlls and applets and a checkbox for each to deactivate them. I think it's here in XP but maybe I am remembering something...
Thanks to you both,
In the end I think we found it to be a permissions issue. When I was working on my machine physically at my desk everything was OK.
When I used a VPN and remote desktop connection I got the error.
I found it rather strange but the system sees me as a "different" user...
RunningVB6 (SP5) on WinXP Pro SP1
I am trying to run the active X we created which had run before and has all the updated files to run but I try to run it from my IDE and I get the error message
System error &H80004015(-2147467243). The class is configured to run as a security ID different...
In Crystal 8.5 using the ActiveX Viewer on IIS5
We have a hyperlink which we wanted to use but make it non specific for the server
We have tried Localhost but that does not seem to work
Hardcoding and Naming a specific server works
In Crystal 8.5 using the ActiveX Viewer on IIS5
We have a hyperlink which we wanted to use but make it non specific for the server
We have tried Localhost but that does not work
This works
This does not...
Thank You for each of your responses.
Yes Inner Joins are ONLY = records, and Indeed you have convinced me Left Join and Left Outer Join are the same syntax.
Thanks Again.
I am trying to limit a Group to show records with a sum which falls within a range. The range is part of the stored procedure and filled in by the users but I keep getting an error message stating
"A number or Currency Amount is Required HERE"
Right Before the Parameter...
Thanks Everybody,
This subject as small as it is can generate a number of approaches.
I think you for your contributions all..
Happy HolidaysPS My 6 year old can now tell Santa what the proper time for him to arrive <grin>
IS the beginning of a new day in Date Time format in SQL server 2000:
A) 12:00:00 AM OR
B) 00:00:00 AM ?
C) Makes no Difference
I have heard that A is actually 12 Noon a nanosecond before the PM cycle since PM is actually 12:00:01
Thanks for the Reply
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