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  • Users: p3t3
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  1. p3t3

    Dynamicly modify installer

    Hi, I want to be able to create custom versions of an installer on my server. I.E swap in a user created JPG image. Is this possible at all, im hitting a blank with google. Regards Pete www.freesome.com Digital Soma
  2. p3t3

    MX 2004 xPath

    Hi all, I cant belive its 2 years since I 1st posted this. Personaly I gave up in the end, and went for a 3rd party lib from http://xfactorstudio.com from their site, "A few days ago, I got a rather blunt email telling me that my "customer service" and documentation stunk. You know what...
  3. p3t3

    Passing a flash variable from a flash.swf?var=this to itself.

    Just to add , _level0.colorscheme == "green" Mind the quotes..! www.freesome.com Digital Soma
  4. p3t3

    actionscript dynamically create a button

    Do you mean to draw a whole buton from scratch, or do you want to dynamicaly attach something from the libiary and have it act like a button..? www.freesome.com Digital Soma
  5. p3t3


    Hi, A couple of things to check. Are you using flash v6 player upwards (only valid from v6+) Are you using IE to check the page (As your not including the correct syntax for netscape/mozilla/firefox etc) Are you publishing your movie as Action Script 2 or 1, as this will effect the case...
  6. p3t3

    xml.send in query string form ide

    Hi All, Using the IDE to debug an app which uses XML.send("processXML.php","_blank"); The script expects the data in the POST, but flash seems to be placing it the Query string, but only form withi the IDE. I guess this makes sense as Im not within a broswer... but is there a way around...
  7. p3t3

    dynamic text box variables wont repeat ?

    Your movie has a stop() in frame 4. //frame3 if (loop>max) { gotoAndPlay(4); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } so the next bit is never executed... www.freesome.com Digital Soma
  8. p3t3

    Obtain domain Name

    Hi All, I need to obtain the domain name that a shockwave movie is running from, i.e http://www.mydomain.com, or indeed the entire url for a movie... I looked and looked but cant find anything, can anyone help, or will I have to do some javascript trickery from the HTML...? Thanks... Pete...
  9. p3t3

    on(Press) == onPress???

    thanks. Couldnt get your fla to download unfortunatly. FOr anyone interested, I managed to find this http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash/action_scripts/event_methods/event_methods02.html document, which, informs that on(Press) and thisClip.onPress actualy exist together and...
  10. p3t3

    on(Press) == onPress???

    If you have a MC instance with a on(press) handler set at design time. You then duplicate that clip with actionscript. Now, is there a way to change the on(Press) handler of the new copy. newMC.onPress = function() {trace("oioi");} seems inefective, and the original on(Press)...
  11. p3t3

    MX 2004 xPath

    Hi, Trying desperatly to convert a Firefly based application to MX PRO 2004, but can't find any documentation for the xpathAPI ... I HAVE found the XPATH supportd syntax list for the DataBinding Component, but WHERE is the documentation for the methods of the API...??? Google is silent on...
  12. p3t3

    simple tree class

    Hi, I have a simple tree class, class mTree { var $value = null; var $children = array(); function mTree ($value) { $this->value = $value; } function addChild ($value) { $aux_node = & new mTree ($value); $this->children [] =& $aux_node...
  13. p3t3


    thanks both of you. I have to say that, although powerful, this function is very confusing. As far as I can tell with my experiments, the offset and the percentage are both taken into account, and as you say, wangbar, the fact you can give negative percentages is, err, strange. I am still...
  14. p3t3

    Newbie java/OO question

    Yes, I had been holding off reading about patterns until I had a good grasp of the basic language, but I think it may be time now, before I repeat all of the errors of the past!! Thanks... :)
  15. p3t3

    Calling pages for values

    Idealy I suppose you would want to send form data directly to the CF app, unfortunatly I dont know if you could do that directly from ASP (anyone?) A solution would be. 1) generate a HTML form via asp, with a onLoad javaScript function that would form.submit() the page, then you would put...
  16. p3t3

    Calling pages for values

    A little confused, do you really want the domain name, or the user ID?? Whatever, I think the solution is the request.serverVariables collection in ASP, the code; sUSer =request.servervariables("LOGON_USER") sUSer sServer=request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME") will leave...
  17. p3t3

    CDONTS where is it?

    Hi, Just been given a new iis5/win2k server to install a ASP web app on. The Network bods refuse to install the SMTP service for IIS, as they belive it will introduce too many security holes... My question is, I still need to use CDONTS to send email, is it possible to install this...
  18. p3t3


    code... myColor = new Color(this.geezaBody); myColorTransform = new Object(); // Set the values for myColorTransform myColorTransform = { ra: '30', rb: '0', ga: '30', gb: '0', ba: '30', bb: '0', aa: '100', ab: '0'}; myColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); fine, makes an object pale. But ive...
  19. p3t3

    Newbie java/OO question

    Thanks, hologram. Could you just advise me on how abstract you make your object save class. I.E do you tend to have, as sedj suggests, a class which loads/saves any object , or does each class have its own custome .load() .save() methods? At present I have a DB class which has methods for...
  20. p3t3

    Newbie java/OO question

    Thanks, I think Ive got to go back to reading a little more about this subject. As am just really starting with JAVA Im quite unsure how much to abstract out, especialy at the data layer. Ive just got hold of Thinking in Java, but can anyone recommend some good examples (code or books), of how...

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