I just tried your suggestion of leaving the file extension in and that worked. Thank you very much guys. I've updated the code to eliminate the lines where the file extension is removed also for "cleanliness". I'm still stumped as to why it would run fine on my machine. Oh well...
The error occurs here:
WBclient = Left(Tempname, i)
' Copies data from the master file to the client file
--==> Workbooks(Wbmaster).Activate
What I find odd is when I run this code on my own machine, it's fine. I've e-mailed it to other people on our project and they get...
This one really boggles my mind as it works fine on my machine but no-one else can seem to run it. When they do they get a Subscript out of Range 'Error 9' message.
Sub Save()
'On Error GoTo Auto_Error
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Defines variable names and types
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