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Search results for query: *

  1. rohanem

    Determine avilable free space

    Hi, Can anyone tell me how to determine how much space is left on a particular partition in a table? I want to setup an automatic "alerting" method when the space is nearing 0 Thanks
  2. rohanem

    Converting strings to NUMBER

    Mufasa, thanks for your response..Here are the answers to your questions- 1) The query may be used again as a simple ad-hoc query. 2) I am looking only to display the results 3) The results are simply destined for standard output 4) I was trying to run the queries from TOAD 5) Table B always...
  3. rohanem

    Converting strings to NUMBER

    Hi, I have a question regarding converting strings to number. I have a table "A" which has 2 columns and values stored as following- COL1 VARCHAR2(10) COL2 VARCHAR2(20) select * from A where .. COl1 COl2 --- ----- parm1 abcd parm2 1234,5678 I have another table "B" which has values from...
  4. rohanem

    Oracle TNS and ONS entries

    Hi, Would anyone be able to tell me what the tnsnames and the ONS entries work/represent in Oracle? Thanks
  5. rohanem

    ORA-08176: consistent read failure

    Thanks Mufasa..but what if the table is partitioned on a daily basis...I am trying to query lets say mondays data and another process is loading/updating Wednesdays data..is that still going to be a problem?
  6. rohanem

    ORA-08176: consistent read failure

    Hi, I have a process that is simply doing a long query on a table and after a while it fails with the following error- ORA-08176: consistent read failure; rollback data not available Can anyone tell me whats the cause and what can be done to avoid it? Thanks Rohan
  7. rohanem

    atol conversion function

    Hi, I have a variable in Pro*C that is defined as "long" Does populating the variable matter with/without using the atol function?..What exactly does atol function do? Thanks
  8. rohanem

    executing deletes in Pro*C

    yes, we still have to null-terminate the string returned by oracle. Thanks for your help
  9. rohanem

    executing deletes in Pro*C

    Where am I going wrong here- EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char del_rowid[1000][40]; while (1) { EXEC SQL select rowid into :del_rowid from table_name where...
  10. rohanem

    executing deletes in Pro*C

    thanks lewis, but I think I am missing something here..This is what I did- declare varchar del_rowid[1000]; . . . EXEC SQL select rowid into :del_rowid from table_name where date_col=:date and rownum<1001; EXEC SQL delete from table_name where rowid=:del_rowid; Now this should delete 1000 rows...
  11. rohanem

    executing deletes in Pro*C

    Hi, Can anyone suggest a faster way to do deletes using Pro*C..I have to delete about 3 million records from a table, which cannot be done at one shot because of the rollback segment problem..So I am deleting 100,000 rows at a time- while (1) { EXEC SQL delete from table_name where...
  12. rohanem

    Data Extract - Rollback Segment Error

    You may be getting the error due to one more reason- The database/tables against which u are running your extract may be getting updated. Snapshot too old errors means that Oracle needs to know the original value of data that has been updated while the batch process has been running. The...
  13. rohanem

    Using cursors in Pro*C

    thanks lewisp, can u quote a simple example of how we can use it?
  14. rohanem

    Using cursors in Pro*C

    I know we use cursors to fetch data i.e. SELECT statements in Pro*C..Can we use cursors for delete as well For instance EXEC SQL delcare c1 cursor for SELECT col1,col2 from table_name; EXEC SQL OPEN c1; EXEC SQL FETCH c1 into :var1,:var2; How can we use cursor concept for delete statements...
  15. rohanem

    problem with maestro

    Hi, We are running Pro*C batch jobs on maestro on a daily basis.We experienced an unusual problem yesterday.Two of the batch job(both accessing different tables and inserting in different tables) just exited out while executing and their status showed that they were successful..However,the...
  16. rohanem

    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name

    Hi, I would like to know when this error can occur- ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name Can there be a problem with the SQL Net Alias not created properly or with the TNSNAMES.ORA file?If someone can explain this in detail I would be glad. Thanks Rohan
  17. rohanem

    ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

    for further help,this is how the Pl/SQL is declare cursor c1 is select col1,col2 from table1@db1 where date_col between date1 and date2; begin for c in c1 loop update table2 set col1=c.col1, col2=c.col2 where date_col between date1 and date2; end loop; end; /
  18. rohanem

    ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

    Hi, I am trying to execute a PL/SQL where I have a cursor and selecting columns from a table in one database.In the loop,I am updating the same columns in a table in another database(I am using the parallel hint in the update clause).But it shows me this error ORA-12838: cannot read/modify...
  19. rohanem

    URGENT- query performance

    Thanks a loooot everyone!The bitmap dit it!!
  20. rohanem

    URGENT- query performance

    when you say alais,you arre referring to column alaises right?What if I have an index on more than one columns?

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